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F15 with one wing!!
locost86 - 25/3/07 at 08:28 PM

Just thought this maybe interesting to you all in continuation of the plane/pilot theme. Cheers Adam

JoelP - 26/3/07 at 05:34 PM

me too. I couldnt be arsed turning the sound on myself, but i dont believe it anyway. You would surely just eject and sod the plane?

Tralfaz - 26/3/07 at 05:43 PM

Evidently the pilot and navigator couldn't see that the wing was missing due to the massive amount of fuel spray coming out of that sideof the plane.


Simon - 26/3/07 at 07:34 PM

Call me a cynic, but if that (one of the most unstable planes on the planet without computer assistance) can fly with one wing, why do Airbus and Boeing etc bother putting two on them!



steve m - 26/3/07 at 09:20 PM

"Call me a cynic, but if that (one of the most unstable planes on the planet without computer assistance) can fly with one wing, why do Airbus and Boeing etc bother putting two on them! "

have to agree, and they had camera/filming from every angle possible
including the cockpit

conspiracy ?
yanks sell the aircraft to the numptys, for mega bucks

numptys prang them all as they cant fly/were not trained properly (ie to shoot at there own side)
and the yanks sell them some more

fairly good money making scam

we should all get an offer thru email soon

I will have two, and then I could have a wing spare

Simon - 26/3/07 at 10:28 PM

Soon to be available, the one wheeled car



Tralfaz - 26/3/07 at 10:42 PM


Mr Whippy - 27/3/07 at 11:52 AM

As you can see from the pics all the ones of it in the air are doctored footage of normal planes (not hard to do on a blue backgound). As for the plane on the ground...more likely that it was damaged on the ground, a severe bit of hanger rash. The 'pilot' being interviewed probably works in Wal-Mart.

At any speed that plane could simply never stay up far less land. Fake Fake Fake...

[Edited on 27/3/07 by Mr Whippy]

craig1410 - 31/3/07 at 08:59 PM

I'd say it was a true story judging by the number of believable links if you do a search in google. Here is one and note that it quotes Flight International. I found a bunch of other links which were convincing too.

Pretty amazing though!