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Big gun madness, Only in the US,
Johnmor - 5/6/07 at 11:39 AM

Some times I'm just lost for words.

"what did you do at the weekend"

I thought paintball was pushing the limits of sanity!!!

David Jenkins - 5/6/07 at 11:57 AM

I used to do various sorts of shooting - small- and full-bore pistol, rifle & shotgun (but not any more) and I can see that doing that would be a load of fun.

However, their gun handling is terrifying! On British firing ranges anyone waving a gun around like that would be thrown out, after receiving a major bollocking.

flak monkey - 5/6/07 at 12:22 PM

Looks fun to me. In a controlled environment blah blah...

Agree with David though, some of the gun handlig is a bit

Confused but excited. - 5/6/07 at 03:52 PM

Ya gotta love those 'boys with their toys', but a bitch with PMT and a .50 calibre and a full box of ammo is real scary! Ooooo Mummy!

scoobyis2cool - 5/6/07 at 10:47 PM

It scares me that I live on the same planet as these people...


The Shootist - 6/6/07 at 04:58 AM

I'm an avid shooter, what did you see as unsafe handling of the guns? Muzzles were always pointed up, at the ground, or pointed downrange.

David Jenkins - 6/6/07 at 08:30 AM

Generally, assorted guns with closed breeches being pointed towards the camera, for a start... if I had been the cameraman, I would have been worried.

[Edited on 6/6/07 by David Jenkins]

ayoungman - 6/6/07 at 03:23 PM

Agree, I used to be a Range Officer at my local gun club, a closed breach pointing anywhere other than downrange would have received a verbal warning. 2 of them and your out mate
That is a recognised pistol handling basic rule. Sadly, not an issue nowadays though.

Simon - 8/6/07 at 11:24 PM

Someone give me a big plane and a daisycutter, and I'll show them a big bang!

