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Bust My Ass
Confused but excited. - 13/9/07 at 11:45 PM

Just watched some of this on BBC3, to my horror.
It wasn't the fact that we now have over 4 million video cameras tracking our every move.
It was the fact that the Police - those defenders of the weak and upholders of justice - arrested a group of middle aged houswives, who were protesting against the war in Iraq (and rightly so, it is after all, their sons that are dying out there) in Parliament Square, wait for it.................under the Organised Crime and Police Act 2005!
What is this bloody country coming to?

Berkeley campus 1966.
Tiananmen Square 1989.
Parliament Square 2007.

Welcome to the New World Order!

Rant over.

Simon - 14/9/07 at 07:40 PM


Iirc this was introduced to take away the right of most of the country from holding demonstrations (unless their number is less than 4).

Introduced by a bunch of spineless, self congratulating, egotistical, megalomaniac, overpaid spongers. Otherwise known as the government, and backed up by a bunch of spineless, self congratulating, egotistical, megalomaniac, overpaid spongers, otherwise known as the opposition!

