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Locost Limericks
907 - 29/1/08 at 11:18 PM

Hi All

I thought it might be a laugh to think up a few car related Limericks.

There once was a welder from Reims
Who built the stainless steel car of his dreams
But the silly old sod
Used the wrong rod
Now it's falling apart at the seams.

Any one else ?????

carpmart - 30/1/08 at 09:28 AM

Thats very good but you a) have far too much time on your hands! and b) are setting the bar too high for the rest of us to follow!

907 - 30/1/08 at 04:52 PM

OK, I take your point.

How about we forget the first one and start with this.

There once was a chap called Ray
Who bought a part finished kit from the local paper
But it caused so much trouble
Doing everything three or four times
When asked was it cheaper he said "quite a bit really".

Any better?

Paul G

Confused but excited. - 30/1/08 at 06:22 PM

Confused but excited. - 30/1/08 at 06:26 PM

There once was a man called Ron,
Who built a cheap car for his son.
He then wrote a book,
Got us all on the hook,
And then he drove off to the sun.
£250! What a con.
Then Chris wrote a better one.

[Edited on 30/1/08 by Confused but excited.]