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Poll: Q.4
james h - 11/2/08 at 08:12 PM

Would you interested in a service that would advise you on how to reduce your energy expenditures based on your day to day energy consumption?

DarrenW - 12/2/08 at 11:54 AM

Id be interested but if it cost several thousands to save a few hundred quid the chance of implementing would be about nill.

Ive often thought about designing a house to be super efficient (cheap) to run in a way that you can absorb the build costs into the project. ie if it cost 200K to build but worth 250K at the end then maybe the additional cost of higher efficiency would be worth it (and of course you probs wont get build regs approval for sub std houses anyway).

Mr Whippy - 12/2/08 at 01:27 PM

why? are you about to try and interest me in a new boiler? sorry but I just got the old one fixed

Simon - 12/2/08 at 08:56 PM

British Gas do one.

Are you trying to advertise a service and shall I report the post?

Edited: See 3



[Edited on 12/2/08 by Simon]

NigeEss - 13/2/08 at 12:04 AM

As has been mentioned, there are two ways to answer, cost or environmental guilt.
As I feel this thesis (?) is basid around the latter I have answered accordingly and so it
seems have most others.

My personal opinion is the Climate Change argument is a crock of **** being
used as a stealth taxation.This planet has undergone massive climate swings
throughout it's existence. Yes, humans may be contributing to a degree, but
the change is inevitible and nothing can be done about it.

So we have to ride the rollercoaster of propagander to our personal
financial cost whilst the energy companies continue to rack up
HUGE profits.

Confused but excited. - 13/2/08 at 06:39 PM

Why are you asking?

james h - 13/2/08 at 09:29 PM

See here