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Spooky robot
Browser - 26/3/08 at 09:29 AM

It's called the BigDog Quadruped robot and it's eerie to watch it moving

Mr Whippy - 26/3/08 at 10:01 AM

Looks like something from Silent Hill Kicking it certainly looks fun

Is it cost effective though, how much is a donkey? This poor sod will no doubt be glad of it though… Rescued attachment donkey.jpg
Rescued attachment donkey.jpg

Boney - 26/3/08 at 06:17 PM



mistergrumpy - 26/3/08 at 07:49 PM

Ummm. Seems worse to watch when it stumbles or falls. Wierd, I kept thinking the legs were 2 fellas in black tights. Not that I often think of fellas in tights

JEPY - 26/3/08 at 07:59 PM

Weird! At least it's never going to be able to creep up on you (until they build an electric one!)