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Not sure about posting this, but......
Guinness - 15/4/08 at 09:05 PM

A series of photo's that should slow any biker down and any car driver check and double check before they pull out of a side road.

Image 11
Image 11

Image 22
Image 22

Image 33
Image 33

Image 44
Image 44


David Jenkins - 15/4/08 at 09:07 PM


Confused but excited. - 15/4/08 at 09:18 PM

Wow! A double yolk donor.

Macbeast - 16/4/08 at 05:46 AM

Bike was doing about 150 mph (allegedly).
Biker car driver and passenger all killed.

Scary !!

Mr Whippy - 16/4/08 at 01:40 PM

I've seen on the web another two cars much the same. Some bikers really need to get a grip on reality; I see quite a few on the road here that behave awful on the roads going at terrifying speeds.

If you look carefully at the floor, they have had to cut the whole car in half to extract the bodies

Simon - 16/4/08 at 06:26 PM

Bikers need to get a grip on realilty?

Er, who's fault was that? Who pulled out on who?

I think you'll find that legally (in this country at least), the car driver was at fault irrespective of what speed the motorcyclist was doing.

People who want to drive should be made to start with two years on a bike/scooter. It teaches awareness.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not condoning was the m/c was doing (assuming he was speeding) and I agree that there are some some pretty awful riders around, but find a friend with a bike and get him/her to take you out for a ride and see what some car drivers are like.

Bear in mind that there are at least 30 times as many car drivers which means at least 30 times as many bad drivers!



David Jenkins - 16/4/08 at 06:36 PM

If, as suggested, the biker was doing 150mph then the driver could look up the road as much as he liked - he wouldn't see anything coming that fast soon enough to take action.

(ex biker - I do know what it's like out there)

RK - 17/4/08 at 12:59 AM

You both make good points.

I was lucky enough to survive a few car accidents, but my bike accident was the most frightening. At the time I was young and didn't really feel it all, but later when I thought about it, it was a very queasy feeling. It was a tragedy no matter whose fault it was.

Mr Whippy - 17/4/08 at 01:33 AM

as above, at that speed you could actually be looking down the road see that it's clear, pull out and the bikes appeared and hit you before you've even managed to do something about it. That's why folk get killed crossing train lines cos they simply can't react fast enough when they see a train, how wide’s a train line 2m?! I'm a biker and been a bus driver so I know exactly the standard of car drivers but I also get overtaken by bikes doing about twice the national limit. Personally I couldn't give a toss if they die hitting a tree, makes the road safer for me, what I don't like is them taking out others who were driving well. Just think, 3 people were in that car along with a door and bike.

Mr Whippy - 17/4/08 at 01:55 AM

ah here's the other pics I've seen Rescued attachment crash2.jpg
Rescued attachment crash2.jpg

Mr Whippy - 17/4/08 at 01:57 AM

and the other. Right someone get some jokes quick cos this is all too depressing... Rescued attachment crash3.jpg
Rescued attachment crash3.jpg

Benzine - 17/4/08 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Right someone get some jokes quick cos this is all too depressing...

BECs are rubbish. (see above pics)

[Edited on 17/4/08 by Benzine]

Mr Whippy - 17/4/08 at 09:14 AM

JoelP - 17/4/08 at 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Simon
I think you'll find that legally (in this country at least), the car driver was at fault irrespective of what speed the motorcyclist was doing.

That might sound right but i believe it is actually nonsense. I say that because my friend killed someone who pulled out in front of him when he was doing 70 in a 40 zone. A little old lady, clearly didnt expect someone to come down the road at nearly double the speed limit. He got jailed for 4 years for causing death by dangerous driving.

Someone pulled out on me at the very same spot this morning. Luckily for him, as i approached him in a 2.5tonne van, i was under the limit, maybe 35, and he had more than enough time to put it in reverse and clear my path. Had he not, i also would have had time to check mirrors and drive round him.

zilspeed - 17/4/08 at 09:48 PM

Driving to work this morning. Doing 55 in the left hand lane with the right hand lane doing about 60.
Two solid lines of cars, vans and trucks.

And in the middle of all this, two bikers 'filtering' in amongst it all.

At 65-70 mph.

Don't get it myself.