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How much do you trust computers?
David Jenkins - 6/5/08 at 04:11 PM

...especially when they're the result of a student project!

Paintball drawing

Remember that the computer's doing the aiming.

sprouts-car - 6/5/08 at 04:36 PM

I would trust it more than this:


Mr Whippy - 7/5/08 at 08:45 AM

I watched a program about how these things are now being given fully autonomous target and destroy capability…

…have none of them watched Terminator?! Rescued attachment uav.jpg
Rescued attachment uav.jpg

sprouts-car - 7/5/08 at 09:52 AM

Any one want to make a locost version?


David Jenkins - 7/5/08 at 10:23 AM

The original one was a student project, which I would trust as far as I could throw Gordon Brown.

The other two had software written for military intelligence, so that should be... ok... then...


clairetoo - 7/5/08 at 07:34 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins

The other two had software written for military intelligence, so that should be... ok... then...


`Military inteligence`..... isnt that an oxymoron

DarrenW - 9/5/08 at 11:11 AM

that student effort is rubbish. It missed!