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13 months for killing someone
JoelP - 21/6/08 at 06:29 PM

crazy world eh? Devastated for the family, what a kick in the teeth.

I cant understand how you can get 4 years for manslaughter in the first place, or even how it counted as manslaughter since he kicked him to death. But then to serve a quarter of the sentance?

Whoever is responsible for the state of law and order in britain should be tried for treason.

Mr Whippy - 23/6/08 at 11:07 AM

b16mts - 23/6/08 at 06:28 PM

it was only last week a 19 year old was locked up because his dad found a gun in his room. minimum sentefor that is 5 years, just for having a gun, but the judge was "very lenient" and let him off with 2 years I think.

if he'd kicked someone to death instead, it seems he'd be out sooner.


JUD - 23/6/08 at 07:59 PM

I can feel my blood pressure rising

How can kicking somebody to death be manslaughter? I doubt it was a single blow that led the guy thinking "Oh sh1t what have I done?". If there were multiple blows then surely this isn't manslaughter? "Sorry judge, I kicked him 15-20 times - didn't mean anything serious - honest..."

I don't know...

RK - 24/6/08 at 03:45 AM

On the other hand, nobody wants to pay the tens of thousands it costs to incarcerate some twerp either. So it's a tough one, that's for sure.

liam.mccaffrey - 24/6/08 at 04:08 AM

I agree with RK why should it cost anything to incarcerate someone They should earn their keep working difficult jobs.

bring in chain gangs. someone give me a reason why what we have now is better

scum bastards

[Edited on 24/6/08 by liam.mccaffrey]

Mr Whippy - 24/6/08 at 09:31 AM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
I agree with RK why should it cost anything to incarcerate someone They should earn their keep working difficult jobs.

bring in chain gangs. someone give me a reason why what we have now is better

scum bastards

[Edited on 24/6/08 by liam.mccaffrey]

One thing that really gets on my nerves is the fact the prisoners sit around 95% if not more of the day doing feck all. We pay for them at great expense to do this, while they give not a thing back to society. If you look around this country all you see is dereliction, railways in disrepair, roads in a state and counsels complaining they don’t have the money to get things done. Get these lazy freeloader sods out there and working in chain gangs, with GPS tags and a shovel. Total disgrace that they are not used, no doubt due to the interfering do gooding human rights halfwits, prison is punishment and hard labour is that punishment. Not only would that be an election winner for the party that has the balls to implement it, we might also get this country out the mess it in.

focijohn - 24/6/08 at 10:16 AM

Just shoot them and burn them simple, the chances of it is that when they are locked up they have a better life than when they're out hardly "prison like".

A bit like the rich daddys boy i heard of, took his fathers range rover out uninsured, DUI and i think without a license. But because his dad basically paid off everyone concerned and had the best lawyer i dont think anything more came about it, slapped wrist.
Does a slapped wrist bring back the child he knocked down doing 70 in a 30????

Like i said only heard of this.

[Edited on 24/6/08 by focijohn]