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Hangover cure
robertst - 27/9/08 at 02:19 AM

due to the immense amount of free time i have being a student, i have immersed myself into a very ambitious experiment that involves finding the method to prevent next-day hangover...

so far i have found two interesting results:

1- DO NOT MIX liquors... if you start with e.g. beer, then whiskey, then whatever else... you are DEFINITELY getting a hangover..
i have tried drinking only one type of liquor and it has worked fine for me, i.e. if you start with beer, STAY WITH BEER... those tequila shots are not worth it m8...

2. this observation comes inextricably linked to the first result: EAT SOMETHING BEFORE YOU DRINK!!!!!

it sounds stupid but you'd be amazed to find out how regularly you have a meaningless snack thinking you're done and start drinking even before your digestive system can start concentrating on the food and not the drink...

i've been talking to a fellow student that is studying medicine, and he agrees that by ingesting a proper amount of food before drinking, the digestive system gets overwhelmed with breaking down the food contents, therefore partially ignoring having to process the booze...

so, in theory, if you follow these simple guidelines (and obviuously you don't over-do it), you should have but a mild headache when you wake up in the morning

one more thing: following this theory has its disadvantage:

by "fooling" the digestive system, the liquid you ingest seems to pass straight through, and although you do get drunk... there is no escaping the morning hangover diarrhoea!!

... something's gotta give..

David Jenkins - 27/9/08 at 06:49 AM

The old adage "never mix grain & grape" is good advice...

In other words, never drink anything made from grains (beer, whisky, etc.) in the same session as anything made from grapes (wine, brandy, etc).

RK - 27/9/08 at 02:48 PM

You know, I used to love beer. I ended up developing an allergy or something to all Canadian beers, and the headaches were absolutely brutal. Oddly, I never once got a hangover drinking copious amounts of English ale or American beer. Now, I don't drink at all, and can afford to build a car. It's amazing how much it costs, especially here - the drinking I mean!

martyn_16v - 27/9/08 at 04:16 PM

I found not waking up to be a great hangover cure. Just don't bother getting up in the morning. At one point towards the end of my first year at uni me and a flat mate were properly nocturnal for a good fortnight, it was amazing. Got up at around 7(pm), nip down to Safeway before it closes for supplies. Nice big fry up for breakfast (about 9pm). Down the pub with all the daytimers to warm up. Then the day really began Roller skating around halls at 5am, down to the common, utterly wasted to feed the ducks at 9am. Bed by about 10. Job done

Of course, I failed that year miserably. The one subject that happened in the afternoon was fine, 90% in the exam. The next nearest mark was in the 20's...

chris_smith - 27/9/08 at 05:54 PM

2 pints of cold water before bed cures any hangover, as headaches through hangovers are only dehydration making the brain shrink, take plenty of fluids before sleeping is a prevention not cure


RK - 27/9/08 at 11:53 PM

my brain must be the size of a pea by now.

smart51 - 28/9/08 at 07:22 AM

Originally posted by martyn_16v
At one point towards the end of my first year at uni me and a flat mate were properly nocturnal for a good fortnight,

Of course, I failed that year miserably.

The guy I had to share a room with in my first year at uni became nocturnal for a while. He would come in as I was leaving to get the free bus at 8:00 and he would be getting ready to go out around 5:00 when I got home. He failed too, strangely.