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AGM WLR build update
alexg1965 - 13/3/11 at 05:58 PM

A bit more work on the bodywork (front light pods, roll hoop, rear wing) and liking the look of it.

AndyW - 13/3/11 at 06:07 PM

Not much I can say except, I like alot......very nice work......

PeterV - 13/3/11 at 06:27 PM

Looking really good
I seem to have got ahead of you some how or other. I only have the wiring to do now before the brrm brrrrmmmm cough cough splut moment

JoelP - 13/3/11 at 07:03 PM

i do love the wlr look. It would look even better if you put some nice lights inside the air intakes after iva! Proper evil eyes

iank - 13/3/11 at 07:59 PM

You'll need another seat for Robin looking good

dwpage - 14/3/11 at 10:28 PM

Looking really good Heres what mine looks like with evil eyes.

Oh and Quasimodo hunches to clear the turbos

PeterV - 14/3/11 at 10:36 PM

Love it!!
Can it wink like a certain evil game show host
My one has walts on it's nose and an extra couple of what could be eyes. Lumps, bumps and holes seem to be a common upgrade to the hood of these cars.

Dangle_kt - 14/3/11 at 11:49 PM

That looks awesome!

Are the lights sunk into the cut aways in the middle? (the bits the other guy has coloured red on his car?)

If so, are they visable from the side? or are the larger "light pods" blocking them?

I dont know the headlight rules, but the indicators need to be able to be seen from a certain angle from the side, which mine couldn't be at first.

Might be worth checking if you are planning a future IVA?