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Blackwell SPR1 build
wayneb1408 - 30/7/17 at 07:25 AM

Hear are a few pics of the current build. Should be on the road in few weeks

bi22le - 30/7/17 at 10:47 AM

You need to resize those pics so they dont have a 1:1 scale!

But, nice build. What are those rear lights from. It looks like a mini maserati.

Finally, interesting username. My name is Wayne Brown! Yours?

mark chandler - 30/7/17 at 11:31 AM

Very nice if not a little large!

CosKev3 - 30/7/17 at 06:47 PM

Very nice

Is it the new Focus RS blue?

russbost - 31/7/17 at 12:58 PM

Looking great Wayne, I trust we'll be finally welcoming you as a member of Essex Kitcar Club soon?