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MS stimulator
lotusmadandy - 11/6/11 at 09:08 PM

I have just collected my MS1 Kit with v3 board
but wasnt bright enough to buy a stim as well.

Has any one got one that they would consider loaning to me or selling on.
I know this is a big ask but i dont want to order one from the states if can help it.



mark chandler - 11/6/11 at 09:31 PM

I made mine without, just double checked everything and stuck on the car without any issues

lotusmadandy - 11/6/11 at 09:47 PM

Cheers Mark,

It might just come to that mate,if i can't get one
second hand.


PSpirine - 11/6/11 at 10:22 PM

I've got one you can *borrow*, not buy as I'll need it myself when it comes to setting up my MS.


lotusmadandy - 12/6/11 at 07:22 AM

Cheers Pavs,

I will send a u2u when i get home mate.


lotusmadandy - 12/6/11 at 08:25 AM

u2u sent Pavs.


fatbaldbloke - 12/6/11 at 01:23 PM

U2U sent.