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weve been rear ended !
steve m - 2/10/12 at 06:37 PM

Wifey and myself were driven into yesterday while stationary, by a guy in a rover 75
we do have his details
there doesnt appear to be any damage to our car, but my towball made a nice mess of his front bumper and grill
but when its dry and light i will whip the bumper off, and check it all out

but both of us got a good jolt, and both are suffering with a soreish neck,
I can not say whip lash, as it was a pretty low spead thump, more of a good old jolt
should we though get a Dr to to assess us, and should i also let my insurance know? as we have never been in this situation

I am certainly not planning on sueing for thousands !!


JoelP - 2/10/12 at 06:43 PM

First port of all for me would be suggesting a cash settlement, to keep your insurance clean. See how you both feel tomorrow, as ive found it stiffens up overnight. I once set a guy on his way (same circumstance as you) without taking details as i felt fine, but was buggered the next day. Again, my towball ruined his front end!

coyoteboy - 2/10/12 at 06:45 PM

I'm not a fan of the claim/blame society we have but I would say at least get checked by a doctor/hospital even if you intend to write it off as nothing. I had a head on 30mph impact and didn't really feel like I had any issues at all, neither did my other half initially. 12 hours later I had burning sensations and numb fingers, only slight though. Still passed it off as nothing but since then the neck stiffness and pains got increasingly worse. Now I have ~3 monthly batches of physio to solve the problems that all started that night.

Daddylonglegs - 2/10/12 at 06:47 PM

Might be worth getting checked out though and logging the accident, just in case something injury-wise crops up later?

Just my 2p worth.

snapper - 2/10/12 at 06:51 PM

A doctors appointment will register the injury if at a later date you needed to claim
Necks are delicate and you just don't know what damage has been done.

Worzey - 2/10/12 at 06:56 PM

Steve, glad to here you're both okay. We should try and grab that beer sometime.

Its worth getting your neck checked out even if you don't make a claim.

theconrodkid - 2/10/12 at 06:56 PM

get yr neck checked and the boot floor on your car

steve m - 2/10/12 at 07:06 PM

Thanks guys, this was pretty well what we thought
and both of us ache, much more today than yesterday, so will call the Drs tomorrow

Dave, you should try some of the SKCC runs next year, i did a couple this year, and mullered my engine, but all fixed now


bi22le - 2/10/12 at 07:11 PM

I hit someone up the arse from standstill from 1M away.
Both of them claimed whip lash from me.

I was sickened to the point of phoning my insurance and giving them a piece of my mind.

Worzey - 2/10/12 at 07:33 PM

I'll try to get along. I didn't really use the car this year as it need a fair bit of work.

I worked out it cost me £60 per mile!

Thinking of having a major rebuild over the winter so looking for ideas of what I can do.

HomersDouble - 2/10/12 at 07:39 PM

Long time no see Steve!
Glad to hear you are OK, but as others have said get checked out, far better than saying 'if only we had .......' in the future if problems arise.


coyoteboy - 2/10/12 at 07:41 PM


I was sickened to the point of phoning my insurance and giving them a piece of my mind.

You were a numpty and ran in the back of someone and had the cheek to complain

Only kidding, I feel your pain!

designer - 2/10/12 at 08:03 PM


I'm not a fan of the claim/blame society

Nobody is, until they get the chance to gain from it!!

SeanStone - 2/10/12 at 09:21 PM

I'm going to buck the trend here

Claim for whiplash, buy yourself something nice!

We're IN a claim/blame society and will be until it becomes illegal. If people can eat and smoke themselves to death, it'll be a while till whiplash claims are brought down!

Get some money back from the insurers you've overpaid all these years!

bigbravedave - 2/10/12 at 09:57 PM

obviously get it checked out, but just as important keep an eye on your symptoms for a bit after

I foolishly cut a car in half using a tree, I spent the following couple of hours being repetatively asked by police, paramedics, and ambulance staff if it was definately me who had been driving as after much checking out they simply refused to believe I had been alone and stepped out of the remains, I was told that I was fine to go home.

Once home I knew all wasn't well when blood came out of places it shouldn't and parts of me that don't usually touch had swelled to meet! a few weeks, several pins, pints, prostetics and operations later I left hospital all fixed (after a bit of physio)

Would you have gone down the blame claim route?

Im just glad to be alive, look normal(ish!) and put life in perspective.

It's human nature to make mistakes, if theres no malice involved move on!

coyoteboy - 2/10/12 at 10:15 PM

I've had 3 chances to claim, only have once. Call me old.fashioned but claiming fraudulently is just joining the scum that help raise premiums. If you need to claim you have my every sympathy and support, if not and you still do I would gladly tell tales!

cliftyhanger - 2/10/12 at 10:20 PM

I was hit by a driver. I informed my insurance, making it clear that it was just information, as I intended to claim for damage caused from the other driver (which I did, after a bit of grief)

Also visited the doc who took it all very seriously and gave me some diclofenac, of which I took 1 I think (actually used them a few months later when I was a silly boy and lifted some stuff that was too heavy, good stuff they are) BUT if there is any chance you may have suffered an injury, see the doc. Hopefully all will be fine, soreness gets worse then improves after a few days.

steve m - 3/10/12 at 06:15 AM

I am not planning on claiming, although i cant move my neck very far, and ache, not pain, from my chest up
but i do feel quite nausous (spelling) and could quite easily throw up

Its a day off today, so will call the Drs,

Wifey, says shes fine, although Monday and yesterday she had a little discomfort, but feels ok today

also if the rain stops, will try and see if there is any damage, but apart from a few scuff marks and scrapes (a couple were there before) the bumper itself appears to be fine

But i think the tow bar frame could be bent, as the sockets/tow bar certainly appear to be closer to the bumper

As said, there was no malice, and the guy was so appologetic, and asked us to call him in a couple of days, to make sure were all ok,
and just because of that, i have no plan to take it further, unless any damage is found


cliftyhanger - 3/10/12 at 07:01 AM

Good man!
I am sure the chap will do the right thing if you have any damage at all, but most of all get yourself checked out. Feeling sick isn't good, but the stiffness/aches are probably at their worst now.

cerbera - 3/10/12 at 07:38 AM

Originally posted by bi22le
I hit someone up the arse from standstill from 1M away.
Both of them claimed whip lash from me.

I was sickened to the point of phoning my insurance and giving them a piece of my mind.

That happened with the Mrs. There was no damage to her car and the person she hit managed to claim £4500.

thefreak - 3/10/12 at 10:41 AM

I got rear-ended around a month ago. An 88 year old bloke didn't bother to brake for the roundabout and used our car instead.
I initially said I was fine. The day after I couldn't move my neck more than 1/4 of a turn so went to the MIU to get checked out. Tingling in my little fingers and limited movement suggested a grade 3 whiplash injury.
A month later I've got most movement back, but still aches a lot when holding my neck in a position for more than 30 seconds or so.
I've finally decided after a month of mulling it over to start a claim as I'm in discomfort, can't do the things I used to without feeling achy for a good few hours afterwards. I've got a 6h enduro race coming up at the end of the month and where I was really looking forward to it before the accident, I know now I'm going to either have to dope up to the eyeballs or suffer the following week because of it - more so than I would have done.
If someone injures you, deliberately or accidently and you suffer as a consiquence of it then you're rightly entitled to something back from them.

And he must have wholloped us good, as I had the towbar attached and he managed to crack the bumper and bend the boot lid of an A6 estate!

Mr Whippy - 3/10/12 at 11:21 AM

hmm whip lash, having rammed tree's at about 15mph with my landys to knock them down and not having either headrest or seatbelts I'm not convinced by the old whiplash injury, modern cars are so protective low speed injuries are mostly mythical cry’s for easy cash

I rear ended a car once on a roundabout in my little Falcon, the most trivial fender bender ever which just bent the end of his tail pipe, months later I got a call saying he was suing me for 30k for whip lash! What b$ll$cks, I just told them a) I wasn’t even wearing a seatbelt and was not injured b) my car was totally fixed the next day, never heard any more of it

Then I have a neighbour who is the wife of an ex-cop who is suiting for permanent back injuries from a rear ender that supposedly prevents her ever working again but strangely doesn’t stop her mowing the lawn each week…

No wonder insurance is so expensive

[Edited on 3/10/12 by Mr Whippy]

steve m - 3/10/12 at 01:02 PM

Mr whippy

Trust me, that while your sitting there stationary, and all comfortable in your seats waiting turn right
and BANG up the arse with a BIG car like a rover 75, you would know somthing has hit you, plus i had the handbrake on, as it was on a light slope downhill

Knocking trees over at 15mph is premiditated, and pretty stupid!

perhaps you would like to be sitting here right now feeling sick, headache, and cant move neck more than 20 ish %
makes driving a real PITA


Confused but excited. - 3/10/12 at 02:26 PM

Never mind phoning your doctor, phone your brief!

gazza285 - 3/10/12 at 07:06 PM

If we could see it coming Mr Whippy we would brace ourselves and not get hurt, like when you hit your trees you are ready for it. I was sat nice and relaxed waiting for my turn at a roundabout when I was hit, felt ok at the time and sent the lad on his way. That was five years ago and my neck hasn't been right since, I'm still having to see a chiropractor to regain lost movement every couple of months.

JoelP - 3/10/12 at 08:47 PM

My wifes dad wrote someone off a few months ago, gave his details and offered a cash settlement, and never heard from them! We assumed he either lost the details or wasnt driving legal so didnt want to push his luck.

My friend had a bad smash at some lights, wasnt planning on claiming for anything til the other driver tried to blame him - the insurance wrangled for months, whilst the courtesy car was adding up cost, til the other driver got charged with dangerous driving - by which time the hire car bill came to £6000. His vectra (the write off) was worth £600! He got a few grand for minor injuries/discomfort.