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Holiday Home - Static Caravan - Anybody ?
perksy - 12/2/12 at 07:03 PM

Doing some research on the purchase of a static caravan by the coast (thinking wales at the moment)
Nothing definate but just doing some homework & research

Is there anybody on here who owns one who can offer some advice on the pit falls of buying one ?
and what to look for regards sites etc ?

Any advice appreciated


hootsno1 - 12/2/12 at 07:31 PM

Its like having a mortgage, with the repayments site fees gas electric rates and insurance I payed £30000 for mine new and sold it 5 years later and lost £20000 and still had to pay the site commission for doing sweet F A as I advertised it in the free adds as the site only offered me £5000. If you can I would find a site that you like and see if there dare any privet lets and hire it for w few weekends and make sure its whats you want as the second hand market is bad
I hope I have not put you off good luck

Ps We had great times when we had it.

[Edited on 12/2/12 by hootsno1]

foskid - 12/2/12 at 07:39 PM

This place is quite good and only 10 mins from Llandow track to boot, and despite what some noddy says on the site about the fish and chips at the local bar, they are good.

mookaloid - 12/2/12 at 09:26 PM

Check very carefully before getting into a deal on one of these.

There are loads of pitfalls. You can be completely at the mercy of the site owner.

They usually have the right to remove your van if in their opinion it looks scruffy - and make you buy a new one - from them!

You can only sell it with their approval - to someone they approve of - and pay them for the privilage!

they can charge you for site maintenance and services.

etc etc

Be very careful

owelly - 12/2/12 at 09:29 PM

I had a holiday cottage on a managed site and looked into getting a static as well but I couldn't get the numbers to add up. The site wanted £25,000 for the caravan plus £120/month site fees and £150/month ground rent. They would let me have any six weeks use of the van and I had to tell them which weeks at the beginning of the season. If I wanted the van any other time, I had to pay!
After 7 years, the van had to be removed from site as they don't allow old vans. I could have opted out of their letting scheme but I would still have to pay them a % of my fees. I wouldn't be allowed to maintain my own van so had to use the site approved team, which was very expensive.
The site had a committee who could change the fees or site rules whenever they wanted.
I'm not saying all sites are the same, but just a few things to check.
If you do buy one, I'll be interested in a couple of weeks......

[Edited on 12/2/12 by owelly]

Chippy - 12/2/12 at 10:42 PM

Originally posted by owelly
I had a holiday cottage on a managed site and looked into getting a static as well but I couldn't get the numbers to add up. The site wanted £25,000 for the caravan plus £120/month site fees and £150/month ground rent. They would let me have any six weeks use of the van and I had to tell them which weeks at the beginning of the season. If I wanted the van any other time, I had to pay!
After 7 years, the van had to be removed from site as they don't allow old vans. I could have opted out of their letting scheme but I would still have to pay them a % of my fees. I wouldn't be allowed to maintain my own van so had to use the site approved team, which was very expensive.
The site had a committee who could change the fees or site rules whenever they wanted.
I'm not saying all sites are the same, but just a few things to check.
If you do buy one, I'll be interested in a couple of weeks......
[Edited on 12/2/12 by owelly]

Hmmmm! sounds just like our local one, (or should that be ones), we have about 4000 vans in the local area. Cheers Ray

perksy - 13/2/12 at 08:34 AM

Thanks for the advice

Hmmm needs more thought and research i think....