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Confused but excited. - 24/8/12 at 10:11 PM

A mate has been on dialysis for four years due to kidney failure.
The problem is compounded by the fact that he has a rare blood group (1 in 10,000)
On Monday morning he is in hospital getting dialysis, as he does 3/4 times a week, when a doctor came over to him, with the news that they have kidneys for him and it's all systems go.
Imagine how absolutely fantastic that made him feel.
Then imagine how he felt at lunch time, when the surgeon came up to him and told him that it was not going to happen.
I know that they have to draw the line somewhere but hell's bells, this is absolutely insane.
You would not believe how this wrecked his head.
Thereally stupid thing is, he is overweight (he only actually eats enough to keep body and soul together) because he has a thyroid problem . . . you guessed it, caused by the kidney failure.
Even more stupid, he had his BMI checked electronically at his local health centre. When he presented the results at the hospital, the sister said they don't take any notice of that, they calculate it. Usual weight divided by height squared. This however does not take into account of his body type. He is built like a troll, with massive bones.
If he ever had a tattoo on his arm, it would have to read JCB
The hospital calculation puts his BMI up by 5 points above what it actually measures clinically.
WTF is wrong with these people?
Sorry about the rant but I have never felt more like going completly berserk and f*cking someone up in my entire life.

skydivepaul - 24/8/12 at 10:29 PM

the trouble is in this day and age nobody has the balls to do what is right!
yes technically he might no be able to undergo surgery because of the computer printout but common sense should prevail

feel really sorry for your mate
hope he can get a result soon

Ninehigh - 24/8/12 at 10:39 PM

TWO kilos?

I hope he told them April was months ago

stevebubs - 24/8/12 at 10:55 PM

Local Paper....

marcjagman - 24/8/12 at 10:58 PM

And the kidney's will go in the bin as they wont be any use to any one else, stupid system in this country

richard thomas - 24/8/12 at 11:20 PM

FFS, sorry mate!

blockhead_rich - 25/8/12 at 06:19 AM

My wife was lucky enough to have a Kidney and Pancreas transplant nearly 2 years ago, certainly has transformed her life for the better, so I wish everyone who is either on a transplant list or has dialysis the best of luck. My wife had her transplant at the 4th call, so you don't actually know for sure it's going to take place until surgery starts. You have to put your total faith in them as it's very big surgery and they don't take risks. My wife's Opp was 10+ hrs! I also know of someone else who has just had the same Opp and she was told recently that she was unlikey to ever be called such was her pre existing problems and rare blood and tissue types. But hey she did get the call, so you just got to stay positive. I know of someone else who has been on the waiting list for 16 yrs and never had a call too, so it really if is a life lottery.

Still sorry to hear of your mates poor fortune. I thought weight issues were always discussed before people go on the transplant list. I know of quite a few who arn't on it due to being over weight. My wife went from a size 12 to a size 8 when she was on dislysis when she strictly followed the renal diet which is pretty restrictive. But I know if not the same for all.

I'm sure the kidneys would not have gone to waste if they were usable, as I believe more than one person is called when organs are available.

Oh and please register on the donor organ list.....


Daddylonglegs - 25/8/12 at 07:22 AM

Absolutely bloody rediculous!!

And they wonder why people slate the system.

Hope it gets sorted soon mate.

Edit: And definitely go to the local paper/radio station they'll give it some beans!

[Edited on 25/8/12 by Daddylonglegs]

scootz - 25/8/12 at 07:22 AM

I have a close-mate who got caught up in the 'tainted blood' scandal back in the 80's (UK haemophiliacs who were given blood-transfusions with stock obtained from the USA... more specifically, from prisoners in the USA... and even more specifically from UNSCREENED prisoners from the USA).

Not surprisingly many of the haemophiliacs (including my mate) contracted Hepatitis and other nasties from the dirty blood.

It was all swept under the carpet at the time, they were told they might face some minor illnesses in the future, and they were given a paltry compensation. Most are now dead.

Anyway... my mates liver finally packed in around 5 years ago and the deterioration in his health was incredible. He went from being a well-built bloke into a skeleton. He needed a new liver as a matter of urgency. It was about this time that one of his heart valves started leaking... his health slumped even further and he was now slipping in and out of consciousness in an intensive care unit. The new valves were now the priority, but no local surgeons had the balls to do the op as he was considered too weak to survive the procedure and they were all scared he would upset their stats by dying on their operating table.

He was given a week to live and started planning his funeral and comforting his wife and 8 year old daughter.

A heart surgeon in Newcastle heard about his case and decided that he would give it a go! We were told it was more than likely that he would die, but guess what... he didn't!

After months of very slow rehabilitation he was fit enough for his liver transplant. Five years on and he's back at work and looking as fit as he has ever done!

liam.mccaffrey - 25/8/12 at 07:46 AM

bmi is a joke and it beggars belief that knowledgeable health professionals use it.

I will never ever have an acceptable bmi because I am built like a brick out house.

you have my sympathy

steve m - 25/8/12 at 08:29 AM

I feel for your m8, as he it must of been like winning the lottery, yet being told the ticket was a dud

The BMI situation is a joke, and only yesterday at Drs (i have lung problems) i was weighed, and at 11.3 stone, Dr said i was fine, even though im only 5'3" tall, yet the BMI has me down as severly obese

I had a similar conversation a while back, on another thread, re diets,

" am 5'3 and weigh 11.5 stone, and funnyly enough today, was told that my weight was fine , at Drs
yet the BMI chart has me in the obese area, and obese, i am NOT "

(i have lung issues, that require 3 monthly check ups)

Another example of this ridiculous chart, was my Father, who was on deaths door 16 months ago, and in east surrey hospital
for several months, he is now 5'0 tall (was about 5'3) and weighed 6 stone, yet the hospital said he was overweight
what a bleeping joke!! he looked like a corpse, and due their negligence was days away from being one

It was only when we got him eating and drinking, did he survive, and he is now around 9 stone, and only last week was told that another half a stone on, would be ideal, again by his DR

It would be interesting for others to try this NHS site, as ALL of us will be OBESE!!!

Confused but excited. - 25/8/12 at 11:40 AM

Thanks for all the replies guys.
Your support is greatly appreciated and I will pass on your comments to him.
I was close to tears with frustration last night and ready to gut someone when he told me.
As for the weight comments. . . When I was due to have my bypass, I was told by a dietitian, that I should be 12 stone. After a month in intensive care (yes it all went pear shaped but I'm just lucky like that) and two weeks in a surgical ward, I looked like I'd just come out of Belsen . My surgeon made them weigh me every day, as he wouldn't let me go home until I hit 13.5 stone. I was still that thin, that most of my friends thought that I'd been sent home to die.
I was salso told that the bypass would only last 8 to 12 years. that was in 1995.
F*cking experts!

Minicooper - 25/8/12 at 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
Thanks for all the replies guys.
Your support is greatly appreciated and I will pass on your comments to him.
I was close to tears with frustration last night and ready to gut someone when he told me.
As for the weight comments. . . When I was due to have my bypass, I was told by a dietitian, that I should be 12 stone. After a month in intensive care (yes it all went pear shaped but I'm just lucky like that) and two weeks in a surgical ward, I looked like I'd just come out of Belsen . My surgeon made them weigh me every day, as he wouldn't let me go home until I hit 13.5 stone. I was still that thin, that most of my friends thought that I'd been sent home to die.
I was salso told that the bypass would only last 8 to 12 years. that was in 1995.
F*cking experts!

Why are so angry that your bypass has lasted longer than they estimated? you should be pleased, it is only an estimate it depends on many factors some of which you can control, some you can't. These people can't tell the future it's a clinical opinion based on experience, you need to calm down, to insult these people after they saved your life I find very strange


Confused but excited. - 25/8/12 at 07:05 PM

Firstly, my comments were not intended to insult the people that saved my life. All the medical and ancilliary staff in the Cardiac Unit at Broadgreen Hospital in Liverpool are absolutely pure magic.
The problem I had with the so called experts in my case, were at the Royal.
1) They lost the film of my angiogram, so I had to wait for a slot to have another. this delayed my urgently needed bypas by a month. Could have been a fatal act of carelessness.
2) The dietician told me I that needed to lose weight and gave me a diet to follow. When I pointed out that the 'diet' that she had just given me was more than I was currently eating, she replied that it was all scientifically worked out and she was the expert not me. After following her expert advise, I gained a stone in the four weeks leading up to my bypass. This contributed to my complications.
3) When I did not recover as expected after a year, I was informed by a physician that I was diabetic, with a sugar level of 28. So I got told " We don't appear to have any leaflets on Diabetes, so stop taking sugar and go and see your GP". The nurse then told my wife, that they had disovered I had diabetes the last time that I was there. 10 months previously. They just forgot to tell me.

The focus of my venom was aimed at the so called 'experts' that keep changing the criteria for my mate. The story is far more involved (such as the surgeon that initially told him he was going onto the transplant list left and his replacement immediately took him off it) than I posted here. It was just that Monday put the top hat on it all.

I am very happy that I have not needed another bypass. It can be very stressful, after being told you will need another, as that estimated time aproaches. That is stress that someone with chronic heart disease can do without. It would be better just to leave it hanging with 'You may need another at some point in the future'.

Hope it's not so strange for you now.