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Cold air feed & Remote Filter
davidimurray - 22/12/14 at 10:35 PM

With my old Pinto setup I had the sausage filter tight up against the bonnet. The radiator also has a shroud around it so the only cold air getting in the engine bay was through the bonnet scoop. I never had an issues, but was always worried that these two things were restricting airflow and also giving warm air.

With the Duratec going in, and things being even tighter, I've decided to have a go at making an enclosed airbox with a remote air filter and cold air feed from above the radiator.

I won a Pipercross remote filter on ebay, but the seller has stiffed me and turns out this is the third time he has sold the itme and not sent it!

So the question is what remote filter to go through. Pipercross ones are £100+, then you've got the cheap ebay ones for £35 and then CBS do one for £68 which looks just like the ebay specials!

bi22le - 22/12/14 at 11:00 PM

I remember reading somewhere that there is a big difference in air filters.

some were very restrictive compared to others. I remember reading that k and n use a metal gauze which is unique and easy to keep clean. I also remember pipercross doing very well.

davidimurray - 23/12/14 at 10:08 AM

There is always another option - get a cone filter and make my own box to put it in

bigfoot4616 - 23/12/14 at 11:39 AM

i think i may still have one that looks identical to the CBS one.(may actually be that one, i can't remember)

i didn't use it much, it was a temporary solution for lack off space, so the car never went on the rollers with it fitted so i can't say how well it works.

don't want much for it so if its any use to you to try, i'll see if i can find it.