Father O'Leary
During the Sunday service in a small parish church, reverent O'Leary declares that with great sorrow in his hart he will leave the parish for a
better payed job in a bigger parish.
A mumble goes through the crowd as reverent O'Leary is a very beloved man in the parish.
Suddenly, the local car dealer Jack Molton stands up a says:"reverent,I will double your salary out of my own pocket if you stay with us
A round of applause and big cheers !!!!!
Stuart Willart,the local caterer stands up and says:"I will deliver each and every day a warm meal for your whole family!!"
Again,applause and cheers !!!
Than 90 year old Rosie stands up and says:I will offer you sex reverant!!!
Great silence in the church and somewhat uncomfortable reverent O'Leary ask:"my dear Rosie,how do come to that idea?"
Rosie's husband,85 year old Jack,is sinking in his chair and holds his hand before his eyes when Rosie replies:"Well reverent,I asked Jack
what we could do to help you and he said:"screw the reverent !!"