posted on 24/9/08 at 09:05 AM |
Albert Dinner plate
I know he looks like ringo starr but this bloke is very dangerous and totally insane
posted on 24/9/08 at 09:20 AM |
He is right about Zionism though...
Mr Whippy
posted on 24/9/08 at 09:27 AM |
quote: Originally posted by woodster
I know he looks like ringo starr but this bloke is very dangerous and totally insane
so is the rest of the world...Linky
wish I owned a spaceship, I'd go somewhere nicer
Fame is when your old car is plastered all over the internet
Paul TigerB6
posted on 24/9/08 at 10:02 AM |
As above - he's right about a few things though especially the bullying countries. America seems to be the greatest dictatorship in the world -
not to their own people but to the rest of the world who dont agree with whatever they say and want.
posted on 24/9/08 at 12:42 PM |
America seems to be the greatest dictatorship in the world - not to their own people but to the rest of the world who dont agree with whatever they
say and want
Absolutely agree. Everyone MUST look like and think like America or else!
And just because they have weapons of mass destruction doesn't mean that you can have them - no, no, no
I think Albert isn't doing a bad job as an international statesman. He's just got to avoid helping the Muslim fundamentalists and being
invaded by the Americans.
That's one hell of a job
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
posted on 24/9/08 at 02:14 PM |
Thanks for moving this post maybe mad house was a better part of the forum ............. i think albert would make good money as a Ringo
look-a-like  or running a kosha deli 
posted on 24/9/08 at 06:16 PM |
While one loon is making speeches, another loon is actually turning his bomb factory
back on
posted on 25/9/08 at 12:01 PM |
Don't you just love little Kim Jong Il ..... nicked from team america  
posted on 25/9/08 at 02:00 PM |
It is interesting to note the difference between Jews, Zionists and Semites. I've been off and read wikipedia.
Jews are people who believe in Judaism or are decended from ethnic Jews.
Zionists are people who believe in an ethnic Jewish state based around Jerusalem and mount Zion
Semites are people descending from the eastern med and arabian peninsula, including the Maltese, the anceient Phonecians, Jews, Arabs and Yemenis.
Most people seem to use all three words as sysonyms whereas they are quite different.
Perhaps Armadinjad is being quite specific about Zionists and not being anti-semitic. Many American politicians are quite Zionist without being at
all Jewish.
posted on 25/9/08 at 04:56 PM |
Yeah most people muddle them all together. I like jews. I don't like zionists/zionism.
Palestine ftw