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Author: Subject: LB T-Shirts ON SALE (Yes, in the shop!!)

posted on 8/5/13 at 08:22 AM Reply With Quote
probably because most of the forum members don't actually have a locost?

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posted on 8/5/13 at 08:35 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Duncan36
probably because most of the forum members don't actually have a locost?

I dont know why chris doesnt just approach a company who are willing to handle the sales as well as producing the t'shirts, big companies who want print runs of 500 might not be interested but there are plenty that would do it.


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posted on 8/5/13 at 08:41 AM Reply With Quote
That's exactly the service i offered Daniel but didn't have a reply to my post or U2U. I do the same service for large brands like The RSC and Time Team and smaller runs like for the RGB guys to save Tim the hassle or collating orders etc.

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posted on 8/5/13 at 08:50 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Duncan36
probably because most of the forum members don't actually have a locost?

I get that, but there isn't a lot of difference to the ones Chris mocked up, I suppose it's more about our community? It's a shame people are feeling the way they are towards Chris, but if I'd paid out I'd feel the same.

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posted on 8/5/13 at 08:54 AM Reply With Quote
I,d join together and start a small claims court action if he is going to sit there silent spending your cash...
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posted on 8/5/13 at 08:59 AM Reply With Quote
maybe the orders are contributing to the 'venture'

Can LB help me raise £50k?

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posted on 8/5/13 at 09:09 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by maccmike
maybe the orders are contributing to the 'venture'

Can LB help me raise £50k?

Cracking! Good luck getting £50 investment let alone £50k and promising returns if he can't even deliver a £10 T-Shirt to the people that ordered them months and months ago.....

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posted on 8/5/13 at 09:11 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Aaron_n_SimI get that, but there isn't a lot of difference to the ones Chris mocked up, I suppose it's more about our community?

Exactly, you wouldnt where a westfield t'shirt of you owned a elise, even if you still posted on the wscc forum a lot.

It's a shame people are feeling the way they are towards Chris, but if I'd paid out I'd feel the same.

I think the crux of it is that they feel they have been mislead/missold and then ignored. I own and run a forum myself, a very simular size to locost builders. And infact, currently also urgently need to sort out a new stock of merchandise, but its a case of not promissing something which you dont then deliver. My members know we dont currently have stock of stickers, the ability to order items has been removed, and I have not promissed they will become avilable any time soon.

T'shirts are harder as you have sizes/colours to deal with, but as said, this can be subcontracted out.


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Confused but excited.

posted on 8/5/13 at 09:55 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Duncan36
That's exactly the service i offered Daniel but didn't have a reply to my post or U2U. I do the same service for large brands like The RSC and Time Team and smaller runs like for the RGB guys to save Tim the hassle or collating orders etc.

You also advertise your business on here, yet haven't registered as a Trader.
Jolly bad form old fruit.

Tell them about the bent treacle edges!

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posted on 8/5/13 at 10:33 AM Reply With Quote
I offered to help Chris get out of the hole that is this thread and offered a service to relieve him of having to deal with orders he doesn't have time to do. There was so much bad feeling i thought it may help to return things to normal. So hardly advertising.

Secondly someone ask for some vinyl so their boat. It was such a small amount it wasn't worth the paperwork to book it in, so i asked for a donation to the Sarcoma Cancer charity. Hardly advertising.

Thirdly a guy asked about budget awnings and rather than push my own i told him about a cheap Costco one that is much better than some of the other budget ones and locost friendly.

All three posts were helping people out for no financial gain and all purely done in goodwill. If that's classed as trading i won't bother again.

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posted on 8/5/13 at 10:44 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Duncan36
I offered to help Chris get out of the hole that is this thread and offered a service to relieve him of having to deal with orders he doesn't have time to do. There was so much bad feeling i thought it may help to return things to normal. So hardly advertising.

Secondly someone ask for some vinyl so their boat. It was such a small amount it wasn't worth the paperwork to book it in, so i asked for a donation to the Sarcoma Cancer charity. Hardly advertising.

Thirdly a guy asked about budget awnings and rather than push my own i told him about a cheap Costco one that is much better than some of the other budget ones and locost friendly.

All three posts were helping people out for no financial gain and all purely done in goodwill. If that's classed as trading i won't bother again.

I agree Duncan, that to me is not at all bad form... What maybe considered bad form is having your company website in your Avatar, and not being a registered trader... Personally, it doesn't bother me, but I can see why it might bother others...

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posted on 8/5/13 at 03:20 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by twybrow
Originally posted by Duncan36
I offered to help Chris get out of the hole that is this thread and offered a service to relieve him of having to deal with orders he doesn't have time to do. There was so much bad feeling i thought it may help to return things to normal. So hardly advertising.

Secondly someone ask for some vinyl so their boat. It was such a small amount it wasn't worth the paperwork to book it in, so i asked for a donation to the Sarcoma Cancer charity. Hardly advertising.

Thirdly a guy asked about budget awnings and rather than push my own i told him about a cheap Costco one that is much better than some of the other budget ones and locost friendly.

All three posts were helping people out for no financial gain and all purely done in goodwill. If that's classed as trading i won't bother again.

I agree Duncan, that to me is not at all bad form... What maybe considered bad form is having your company website in your Avatar, and not being a registered trader... Personally, it doesn't bother me, but I can see why it might bother others...

Do we think the same people would consider it bad form to collect money for something and not deliver I wonder?

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posted on 8/5/13 at 03:55 PM Reply With Quote
This thread is going to run and run. I'm ready

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posted on 8/5/13 at 04:04 PM Reply With Quote
I think what's needed is an answer to the question of where are the refunds or where are the t-shirts.

rather than picking up the fact that some one isn't a registered trader. No mention of that before, now the guy offers to help and gets shot down.

This whole place is getting a bit silly now.

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posted on 8/5/13 at 04:24 PM Reply With Quote
Looking at how prompt his replies have been so far I think you might need more popcorn than that Ben....
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posted on 8/5/13 at 05:35 PM Reply With Quote
The Boss in online I see I hope you all get the answers you're looking for
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posted on 8/5/13 at 05:58 PM Reply With Quote
Hi everyone

Sorry I've been a bit slow to jump on this. Ben did indeed give me a heads-up on it a few days ago and I've been snowed under with other stuff. I could do the whole 'LB is a hobby...' thing again but you've all heard it before.

Bit upset at the attitude of a few of you saying this is some kind of scam. I can tell you, if it was, it would be the worst scam ever in terms of making money and I'd have given up long ago! If you really think I'd spend 12 years running this site out of my own pocket to run off with a few hundred quid of people's money you are very much mistaken.

(By the way, thanks to all those that have defended me during this!)

This whole thing is complicated because there are two items here that are on back order. I thought I'd made it clear that this was pre-order and that minimum numbers were needed, perhaps the orders were long enough ago that people have forgotten. You will see that I have asked several times in the past how people wanted to deal with the lack of orders which has actually made the situation even more complicated because some people wanted to wait, others asked to cancel, others gave dates when they wanted to cancel if the numbers hadn't been reached. Some of those messages are posts, some are u2u's, some are emails. All in all, it would be an absolute nightmare to get to the bottom of who wants what, who doesn't, etc. If I'm brutally honest, I simply don't have the time at the moment to figure it all out.

The other issue is that last time I did a run of t-shirts I subsidised the order to make up the minimums and then sold the remainder over the next 12 months. When I first started taking orders for this round I had intended to do that again, but unfortunately I was made redundant since then and suddenly spending a load of money on merchandise that may take a year to sell isn't high on the priority list. Also remember that I had to lay out a grand on a new server in Feb after the old one was stolen by my former employer (remember that downtime we had?) and since then don't have access to reduced-price hosting which means I'm having to dig even deeper each month now than before. I realise these issues aren't your problem as members, just keep in mind what I was saying above about this being the worst scam ever!

Under the circumstances, I think the best thing to do here is refund everyone. That includes the people who have said they want to wait. I'm sorry, but I simply don't have the time to work it all out. Then, if people want to re-order stickers - which I do have in stock, all apart from silver - they can do that. It's going to be too difficult to partial refund people and obviously people paid one postage cost so may not want a sticker if they don't have a mug/tshirt/whatever. As you've probably guessed, this is all about sorting out the mess as simply as possible.

In the mean time I would appreciate it if you don't issue requests to pay, disputes, etc. This is just going to make things more complicated. My plan is to run a search for the shopping cart ID's then run through and refund each one. The advantage to doing it this way is also that the transaction fees get refunded which is better for us all.

Please bear with me whilst I get this all dealt with and accept my apologies for not dealing with it more promptly. I need a couple of days to get some credit into the Paypal account and I will then start working my way through the list.

Cheers, Chris

My gaff my rules

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posted on 8/5/13 at 06:29 PM Reply With Quote
Can I just ask... once everyone's refunds are sorted out, can we take up someones offer of sorting the t-shirts, stickers and mugs and allow them to run the site merchandise to lift the load on you Chris?

I would really like another T-shirt and so would my dad, and I think it would be better for everyone if we don't have to worry about minimum numbers for orders.


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posted on 8/5/13 at 06:36 PM Reply With Quote
It seems that im not the only one with a super hectic life then

Theres no way i could host a website too, hope everyone can bare with you whilst you sort it.

Give a man a fish & it will feed him for a day, give him a fishing rod & you've saved a fish.

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posted on 9/5/13 at 10:34 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Andybarbet
It seems that im not the only one with a super hectic life then

Theres no way i could host a website too, hope everyone can bare with you whilst you sort it.

Ahh, they all but run themselves...


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posted on 9/5/13 at 05:31 PM Reply With Quote
Chris - I think it is a shame it ended up like this, as I think the vast majority of members are very grateful for the time (and expense) you put into this site. I just wish you had told us what wad going on several months ago, and saved any ill feeling.

I will be reordering a sticker asap, as I still want to shout about my support for the best forum on the internet.

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posted on 9/5/13 at 08:55 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by twybrow
Chris - I think it is a shame it ended up like this, as I think the vast majority of members are very grateful for the time (and expense) you put into this site. I just wish you had told us what wad going on several months ago, and saved any ill feeling.

I will be reordering a sticker asap, as I still want to shout about my support for the best forum on the internet.

Well said its indeed one of the best forums around and I myself appreciate the work that goes into hosting and running said forum.
I'll too order a sticker or two.

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posted on 10/5/13 at 06:59 AM Reply With Quote

Hi Chris
I'm the one with the biggest mouth that shouted the loudest
about getting a re-fund, even threw the dummy out of the pram.
For all that I apologise.
Its a great shame that it came to this because you do run a great forum.

As for my refund, I don't want it, put it in the pot as a contribution.

Again please accept my apology.

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posted on 10/5/13 at 08:02 AM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by renetom
Hi Chris
I'm the one with the biggest mouth that shouted the loudest
about getting a re-fund, even threw the dummy out of the pram.
For all that I apologise.
Its a great shame that it came to this because you do run a great forum.

As for my refund, I don't want it, put it in the pot as a contribution.

Again please accept my apology.

Nice one René.

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posted on 10/5/13 at 08:59 AM Reply With Quote
Once refunded Chris, i will re order stickers

Your doing a great job too

Thank's, Joe

I don't stalk people

Back on with the Fisher Fury R1

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