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Hartside Cafe
Tezza1 - 19/4/11 at 07:09 PM

Does anyone fancy a blast up to Hartside cafe theres a few of us, Me, Coozer and Andy up to now. Saturday is meant to be hot and dry so should be best day over Easter weekend, kick off at Carville Services between 8 and 8.30.

More the merrier


lotusmadandy - 19/4/11 at 07:11 PM

As you already know Terry,i'm in.

I will ask Dave if he's up for it and i bet Kris will be.


[Edited on 19/4/11 by lotusmadandy]

Tezza1 - 19/4/11 at 07:16 PM

Kewl mate.
Is Kris the guy who bought Johns, Did Dave change his engine ?

lotusmadandy - 19/4/11 at 07:21 PM

Nah mate Kris has an MNR (krismc)

Craig bought johns indy but he has gone away for six weeks working.

Daves is the same pinto as last year but he is going to put a zetec in this year.


Craigman9 - 19/4/11 at 07:25 PM

Working away from home is truly awful at times

Be a great day out that though!!!

neilp1 - 19/4/11 at 07:28 PM

I'd be up for that but I'm away with work!!!!


lotusmadandy - 19/4/11 at 07:30 PM

How do Craig.... Whats it like out there in the sun,ya jammy get


Craigman9 - 19/4/11 at 07:34 PM

I can't believe it Andy, left home this morning and it was glorious sunshine.

I arrive in Malaga, expecting to need suntan cream etc to find it's raining.......

I hate the first week away I just want to come home, I will be fine in a few days time im sure.

How's the car coming? Back up and running?

lotusmadandy - 19/4/11 at 07:46 PM

Aye mate it's all done now,got out on sunday night for a run to the coast.

Enjoy the sun when it comes out.


gavinpurvis - 19/4/11 at 07:50 PM

would have loved to but still waiting on new rubber for windscreen before mot

RichardK - 19/4/11 at 07:59 PM

Would love to to but it's my lads 18th birthday so had better not.



Tezza1 - 19/4/11 at 08:26 PM

How do Rich

Hows it going are you going to Stoney ?

RichardK - 19/4/11 at 08:34 PM

Hi Terry, hopefully I'll get there, having a few issues with the bruise at the moment, so I'll either get there or you'll see me on the hard shoulder waiting for a recovery truck!

Thinking about popping up to that old skool ford meet at Teeside this sunday as a trial run, then if things go wrong I'll just go in the tin top.

Take care mate and I'll see you soon.


Tezza1 - 19/4/11 at 08:37 PM

Im hoping to pop down to Teesside Sunday might bump into ya
