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March Meet : South Brummie lot!
omega0684 - 5/3/11 at 04:35 AM

Morning All,

Im sorry for the late post, i just wanted to remind you of the march meet that will be happening on Monday March the 7th.

usual venue of the Old Washford Mill in Redditch. We had a great meet last month with some old faces making surprise appearences!

Unfortunately i won't be there as i have to go do to London on Monday and im not back until Friday evening. So you'll have to have a drink for me. Im sure Mads has plenty to talk about as we had even more problems that will need sorting!

Linky to Pub website

All newbies welcome, usual meeting time of 7:30 onwards

All the best


mads - 5/3/11 at 06:57 PM

yep, i'll be there with my tale of woes!

prawnabie - 5/3/11 at 07:00 PM

Me too

MikeR - 5/3/11 at 07:04 PM

Are you bringing a guitar ........

I woke up this morning [de-dum-de-dum]
i tried to build my mk-indy [de-dum-de-dum]
i found i was on my own [de-dum-de-dum]
no alex on the phone [de-dum-de-dum]

[random guitar bit]

so i decided to .........?????

Not sure if i'll make it. Done nothing on the car - but have gutted and built a master bedroom and today restarted doing the nursery.

prawnabie - 5/3/11 at 07:11 PM

build a car that could enter the G.O.M.E?

Ill get me coat....

mads - 5/3/11 at 07:19 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Are you bringing a guitar ........

I woke up this morning [de-dum-de-dum]
i tried to build my mk-indy [de-dum-de-dum]
i found i was on my own [de-dum-de-dum]
no alex on the phone [de-dum-de-dum]

[random guitar bit]

so i decided to .........?????

Not sure if i'll make it. Done nothing on the car - but have gutted and built a master bedroom and today restarted doing the nursery.

not having done anything on the car is no excuse for not turning up! I haven't done anything on mine for two years and i have still been coming!

as for the guitar... i'll see if Rach can come and accompany me with a bit of piano playing

MikeR - 5/3/11 at 07:36 PM

Ah, but you've got a job and its a bit more local for you than it is for me.

(70 mile round trip so the best part of 12 quid in diesel - 12 quid is approx 2 gallons, can't be bothered working out the exact cost).

[Edited on 5/3/11 by MikeR]

dave-69isit - 5/3/11 at 09:52 PM

will be there mike did u say a nursery ooo - 6/3/11 at 10:11 PM

I'll be there tomorrow night......

MikeR - 7/3/11 at 07:58 AM

Yep nursery. 'Announced' it at the Christmas meal. Muggin's got the misses pregnant days before she got made redundant.

(i have a great sense of timing).

Monster is due at the end of May / start of June. If the size charts are anything to go by it will be a monster. Luckily its not me pushing it out

dave-69isit - 7/3/11 at 09:15 AM

o well congratulations then ididnt make it to the meet had chain problem

dave-69isit - 28/3/11 at 09:23 PM

soon be time for next meet