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manchester stokport
ceebmoj - 13/7/04 at 06:51 AM


I have just moved to stokport is ther a meat near hear.


Mk-Ninja - 13/7/04 at 06:55 AM

Hi Blake

Not as far as I know ( asked last year) but we could start one, as long as it dosnt clash with the Ackworth meet.
Any ideas for a meeting place


Jon Ison - 13/7/04 at 07:01 AM

not too far to chesterfield either, great run over tops............

Bob da builder - 13/7/04 at 07:59 AM

yep, that sounds good!! im just south manchester (delamere forest) would be interested and got a mate who is planning a build so he would also be up for it...

as for location there are some cracking country pubs in cheshire but bit far from chesterfield!! but as you say a wicked drive!!!


Mk-Ninja - 13/7/04 at 01:18 PM

What about Whaley Bridge to make it viable from Chesterfield, then weve got all the peak district to play in, and the A6004 (Long Hill) which must be one of the best roads for sevens in the country.
If you want to give it a try Ill sus a pub/meeting point out.


Jon Ison - 13/7/04 at 03:50 PM

cat n fiddle in summer months ?? or snake inn ??
Now the edit bit........
Just thought, dont make it 1st or 2nd wed would clash with J29 and as you know Ackworth.......

[Edited on 13/7/04 by Jon Ison]

Mk-Ninja - 13/7/04 at 04:15 PM

We could have a trip out to the cat & fiddle. But a base nearer to South Manchester would be better for most I would have thought, thats why I suggested somewhere around the Whaley Bridge area so that its out of the smoke and weve got some countryside to have a blast in. I think you need to try the A6004 its better than the C&F and its not swarming with plod. The C&F is a nightmare for plod, they even use helicopters, which just isnt cricket

Jon Ison - 13/7/04 at 09:01 PM

I know, i did take great pleasure in beating the "superbike" lads over there though, they just cant corner on them 2 wheeled things,

Whaley bridge sounds cool too me

ceebmoj - 13/7/04 at 09:33 PM

so when is good for evry one to meat.

Mk-Ninja - 14/7/04 at 07:11 AM

How about the third Wednesday in the month which will be the 21st ie a week today. If thats OK Ill sort a pub out.


ceebmoj - 14/7/04 at 03:50 PM

ok I can make that

Mk-Ninja - 14/7/04 at 03:54 PM

Right then 7:30 3rd Wednesday in the month. so for July its 21st.
Ive got a pub in mind but will call in and make sure were welcome.

Just have to put the word round


MK7 - 14/7/04 at 04:04 PM

I'm in...

weather permitting

Mk-Ninja - 14/7/04 at 04:05 PM

Good man

Mk-Ninja - 16/7/04 at 09:00 AM

Right unfortunatly the pub I wanted to use is shut for refurbishment, so Ive sorted another one out, and we can see how it goes.

Its the LAMB INN on the A624 between Hayfield and Chinley, hope the map link works. 7:30 Wednesday 21st. Lets just hope the weater is better by then and we can get several cars there.

Please spread the word and see if we can get a good turnout. &inmap=&table=&ovtype=&localinfosel=&local=&kw=&srec=0&mapsize=big&db=&rt=

chrisg - 16/7/04 at 05:42 PM

Christ mate - talk about the middle of nowhere - I had to zoom out four times before I found somewhere I recognised!

The yorkshire posse are in delicate negotiations to make it over for your meet in August - is it a big pub?



Mk-Ninja - 16/7/04 at 06:34 PM

Chris you will be more than welcome ( as you know). Its actualy nearer for you and a nice spot.
Dont forget your wallet


j30fos - 19/7/04 at 01:31 PM

Im might even come next month, im my new ride :-)))))

Just could'nt resist.

Brought it yesterday

Mk-Ninja - 19/7/04 at 01:55 PM

Never mind next month. get your ass over here this Wednesday

Mk-Ninja - 19/7/04 at 01:56 PM

What have you bought. Want a race

j30fos - 19/7/04 at 02:06 PM

I've brought a race megablade which needs fixing, not charging but it has all the race bits on it, front and rear anti roll bar, freelander diff LSD, 4 pot brakes, areo screen dyno jetted and its fully road legal.

I get it thursday, I need to ask, now that im a westfield owner am i still aloud to meet up :-)))))

I take it MK Minga your getting used to the Indy :-))) What do you reckon, I've attached a pic as it is now


[Edited on 19/7/04 by j30fos]

[Edited on 19/7/04 by j30fos]

Mk-Ninja - 19/7/04 at 02:12 PM

Well done that man. You are more than welcome, thought you were going for a saab or something like. A much better choice. Look forward to seeing you for the August meet then.

j30fos - 19/7/04 at 02:45 PM

I was but I couldnm't find a good one under £15k

Im trying to get it fixed up for the yorkshire show, are you going?

Mk-Ninja - 19/7/04 at 02:54 PM

I think the only chance Ive got is the Sunday 15th. But will have to earn some brownie points. Hopefully Ill be there weather permitting, Im getting fedup of getting wet though.
John when is your first race, wouldnt mind coming to watch.

j30fos - 19/7/04 at 03:14 PM

eh, its fully road legal on an 03 plate, its been used as a race car but Im going to use it as a road car.

so how many is in your 7 meets?

The car is in kettleshume at the min which is not to far from where you guys are talking about meeting, spooky.

Mk-Ninja - 19/7/04 at 03:23 PM

Its the first meet this Wednesday.

Kettleshulme is only up the road, Ive never seen it before though, mind its a W******d so might not like mixing with the lower end . Mind if all hes done is race it Im not likely to have seen it..

Good luck fixing it, theres been a few on here with charging problems on blades. Seams like the rectifier needs a good heat sink.