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Photos Section
Glenn - 16/10/02 at 06:46 PM

Hello all

I cant access the photos section, is it just me or is there a problem ?

when i move my pointer over the
"Search | FAQ | Photos" bit the "Photos"
isn't a link

Macca - 16/10/02 at 06:48 PM

See new software installed above.

DEAN C. - 19/10/02 at 10:10 AM

Hi Glenn,I cant access it either!
I know the site has changed but but can someone explain to us how to access in English,preferably speaking slowly as well for my sake.

Wadders - 25/10/02 at 05:24 PM

I know the site has changed but but can someone explain to us how to access in English,preferably speaking slowly as well for my sake.

That goes 4 me 2, cos i can't access the photos section either.

RoadkillUK - 25/10/02 at 05:55 PM

If you read Chris's post above (it's a sticky) then you realise that the photo's section of the website is down because he's updating it and putting in some new features that have been requested.

paulbeyer - 31/10/02 at 09:58 AM

Hey Chris do you have an ETA for when the photos will be back on line?

steve m - 3/11/02 at 03:23 AM

and the links page ???


bob - 3/11/02 at 10:29 PM

Hello steve

Try this

paulbeyer - 4/11/02 at 12:16 AM

Shame it don't work for the photos section. I've been waiting a lifetime for them to come back on line as I need to look at some for reference to my build.

Pain in the friggin arse...

Wadders - 15/11/02 at 10:14 PM

Any idea when the photos section will be back on line chris?


redeye - 22/11/02 at 02:49 PM

try this

then when u select the user folio put the xmb/ in again works for me

Macca - 26/11/02 at 09:36 PM

Can get to the main photo page but un able to open any "albums".
Any ideas, in english for thicko's please.
Cheers Col.

redeye - 27/11/02 at 12:01 AM

ull see that when u open the individual album the xmb gets taken out

just insert xmb again and it will work


what a lovely car it is too