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Seat belt mounts
davrus - 2/6/10 at 12:02 PM

Hi, can some one tell me where i can get the threaded tube from that i bolt my seat belts to.
Also does it have to be a threaded tube or can it be a nut welded behind a plate attached to my chassis.

Also i am hoping to use some seats where the top belts come through just below the head rest, is there any specifications as to how close you can mount the top belts (4 point harness).

Any pictures welcome

Many thanks

40inches - 2/6/10 at 02:00 PM

I used this and this,may be cheaper elsewhere.

davrus - 6/6/10 at 07:32 AM

Just what i was after thankyou

Any answers to the second question?

Q I am hoping to use some seats where the top belts come through just below the head rest, is there any specifications as to how close you can mount the top belts (4 point harness).

wgm20 - 29/6/10 at 06:28 PM

How long is the insert- the advert suggests it's about an inch?

I ask because the tube I'd like to put it through on my chassis is 1" square- and I need the insert to go all the way through and stick out on both sides by about 2 or 3 mm so I can weld it easily to satisfy IVA (or at least that's what I think) - does anyone know where I could get a 7/16ths threaded bush that would do the job?