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R1 turbo or S/C what, where from, pitfalls?
The Knobs - 29/12/16 at 11:31 PM

Just got my R1 Striker and looking to the future lol its a 2006 injected R1 so any advice on supercharger or turbo installation welcome. Where to buy parts, what parts to buy etc and what to avoid would be helpful. Car will be mainly a trackday car with occasional road use and of course a build on a budget.

Matt21 - 30/12/16 at 07:09 AM

I was seriously looking into sueprcharging a cbr900, I had the supercharger kit ready to do it but when I started looking into it more and more, it will have been cheaper for me to just buy a more powerful engine.

The first problem is where to drive the charger from.
You're likely to have to have a custom engine cover made that allows a shaft to come through it direct from the crank shaft. On mine I had round 'plug' that sat in the side cover that you remove to set the engine timing as it's right over the end of the crank shaft. My idea was to get that machined out to hold an oil seal and then run a shaft through that, which I did, then found out the crank shaft is slightly offset to the centre of this plug, so that wouldn't work.
Theres no where else you can really drive it from either.

I also looked into turbos, it's been done a few times so is possible on my engine, however the costs again put me off, as well as reliability, I use my car a lot...

Easier to do than SC, hardest bit is making a manifold and finding somewhere to mount the turbo. Mine was going to need quite a long manifold and mount the turbo infront of the engine. I'm not sure how yours sits, there may be other ways.

With yours being FI it would be easier too, mine is running carbs so I'd either have to fiddle about with them, or convert to FI

I have a couple of turbos sat in the garage if you are interested, theyre TD04 from a volvo, I beleive TD04 HL-16t (but will have to check in a few weeks when I'm home) They would have been the perfect size to use on mine, so assume for the R1 they would be great too.

The Knobs - 30/12/16 at 09:13 AM

I think as far as a S/C goes the TTS Rotrex would be the only option but £3600 is a big lump to swallow. I was very impressed with my Rotrex kit on my last striker and power delivery was perfect but Turbo may be the most cost effective way forward. Does anywhere make a turbo manifold for the R1 as I cant find one as yet? Can compression ratio be done with a thicker head gasket as don't really want to rebuild an engine? And of course, ecu, will I need to go down the route of a stand alone?

Ugg10 - 30/12/16 at 10:42 AM

[Edited on 30/12/16 by Ugg10]

Matt21 - 30/12/16 at 11:05 AM

It was a rotrex kit I had for mine, got it for an absolute steal at £300 for the charger and oil system! If it had been RRP then it would be much more expensive than turboing, but because it was so cheap it worked out around the same. The manifold being the expensive bit.

Your best bet for manifold is to find someone to make you one, I was quoted ~£600-1000 for mine

Thicker head gasket will do the job, I'd guess cometic will do one?

Ecu, not a clue, I'd think it would be possible without going stand alone, but that's just a guess.

A lock up clutch would most likely be needed too

CosKev3 - 30/12/16 at 01:57 PM

I'm currently turboing my R1 in my car,it's the older carbed engine though.

R1/yamaha forums are pretty good for research.

I'm converting mine to a single TB on a inlet manifold I've made,then will be running MS2 ECU when the time comes.