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1999 R1, fuel injected or Carbs?
the_fbi - 13/2/06 at 10:52 PM

I'm looking at a 1999 R1 fuel pump, anybody know if this is an injected bike, or carbs?


bigrich - 13/2/06 at 10:56 PM

deffo carbs my mates had one from new

Ben Smith - 13/2/06 at 10:56 PM

It's carbs. Injection started 2002.


Ben Smith - 13/2/06 at 10:57 PM

It's carbs. Injection started 2002.


the_fbi - 13/2/06 at 11:16 PM


Thanks guys

the_fbi - 13/2/06 at 11:21 PM

Just realised I'm a complete tit.

I bought an R1 Fuel Pump in June 2005 for use on my 954 Injected Blade.

Just checked the eBay winning email and it was a 1998 pump, so has to be carbs. Which is weird as I'm sure I would have checked it was a injection pump.

So totally wrong for my 954, but perfect for my 919 carb'ed engine

And to think I wasted £50'odd last week on a Facet too

Should really keep a better track of what I purchase.

Good news and bad, can't really complain