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Doner Engine Change / Registrations
mad4x4 - 3/3/03 at 06:49 PM

Any Idea if I would get away woth this.

Notify the DVLA that I have changed the engine in my donner car from a 1.8 CVH ford to a 1.6/1.8 E30 BMW Engine? Reason being that the E30 Is in a forigen car that is not registered in this contry and I want to build a ONE doner based?

Alternate, Would I be able to register the BMW with either an age related plate or a new plate declaring it has been registred abroad?

Duncan - 3/3/03 at 08:48 PM

It is unlikely that the DVLA would be suspicious about the engine change as the engine size (cc) is not changing that much. In my experience this should be no more than a paperwork exercise for the DVLA, as you are not doing anything wrong, but you never can tell........ I have to ask why you would want to use the BMW engine in the first place. It is likely to be difficult to fit and probably wont be that much more powerful than the original lump. It will also probably be heavier. What is the logic behind the change?

kylerichmond - 23/4/03 at 04:44 PM

im interested in earning sum cash