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How many are going for SVA
Kitlooney1000 - 13/2/04 at 09:36 PM

or close at the moment. I have just applied for the chassis number, just wondered how many people are at the same stage?

[Edited on 13/2/04 by Kitlooney1000]

OX - 13/2/04 at 09:45 PM

im going for my sva test on tuesday

Kitlooney1000 - 13/2/04 at 09:51 PM

good luck OX, let us know how whether it passes or fails. Any info would be helpful

[Edited on 13/2/04 by Kitlooney1000]

bob - 13/2/04 at 09:57 PM

I'm having a test run weekend after this,if not earlier then sending me forms off pronto

Hellfire - 13/2/04 at 10:33 PM

the end of this month - Beverley has only a 1 week waiting time so... fingers crossed!

westdown - 14/2/04 at 08:32 AM

Got the chassis number. Front mudguards and bonnet to go.


SteveO - 15/2/04 at 10:37 AM

Got my test on the 2nd March, 2weeks time at Leighton Buzzard.
'will keep all posted.


stephen_gusterson - 15/2/04 at 11:15 AM

you are all gits



j30fos - 15/2/04 at 03:16 PM

Got my chassis number now, took the car for a drive to the MOT station yesterday man was I happy, goes like stink, sounds fantastic. sent off for my SVA test a while back but as I hadn't got a chassis number it was put in the query tray :-( they contacted me this weekend asking for more details, paper work sent back to them hopefully get a test in the next week or two, chadderton has a 5 day wait at the minute :-) roll on summer

bonerp - 16/2/04 at 03:15 PM

My cars done (Cat E1) and waiting for SVA date hopefully be next week or 2. Can't wait as its begging to be driven!

By the way those about to send off the forms, add a statement along the lines of " I built this car by myself with no help from a car builder and will be used to personal use only".

Otherwise you'll get a letter asking to confirm this! Dunno why they don't just add it to the application form!


Fozzie - 16/2/04 at 05:03 PM

Got my chassis number
Still re-building my engine Hopefully, won't be too long now
ATB fozzie

tractorboy - 16/2/04 at 06:47 PM

have passed mot .just have to contact ford technical dept for proof of age of engine .then carry on applying for sva date. norwich have about 10 day wait at the moment

flak monkey - 16/2/04 at 07:44 PM

Tractorboy; When you have been, feed back on the Norwich SVA ers would be much appreciated . Seeing as is my local test centre too.

Good luck to all of you off for 'the test' soon!!


Marcus - 16/2/04 at 09:14 PM

Sent forms off, just had the one back to tick boxes saying I built it and waiting for date - not long now!!


alister667 - 16/2/04 at 10:02 PM

I'm still waiting for a chassis number (been 2 weeks now). I've been told I'll have to bring the car round to my local inspection centre so they can confirm the car exists (?) and then issue the all important number. Once i get that the SVA forms are being sent off.
I've been told to expect and 8 week waiting time for them.
This is the cruelest form of torture I have ever been subjected to.
Car of my dreams in the garage and I can't drive it.

j30fos - 18/2/04 at 01:52 PM

Got my date through, this Monday 23rd. Just hope its not raining :-) It looks like I've got a busy weekend getting it ready for the SVA.

Off to the MOT station on Sat to get the emissons done, any excuse to drive it :-)))

I'll let you all know how I get on