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retest fail
markyb - 10/6/09 at 07:34 PM

had my retest today and got through on most of my fails from the last time - however there were two points that I failed on :

1. too much front bias on my brakes
2. emissions - despite taking the car to a rolling road session to get the powercommander mapping done the car failed big time with both CO and hydrocarbons both being over 4

I asked the tester what sort of brake balance I should have but he couldnt tell me as the computer does all the data analysis. As I had the bar fully biased to the front I will move it to the centre of the pedal and hope it does the job.

As for the emissions I dont know what I can do about them as I was relying on the RR to get them fixed

Stuart_B - 10/6/09 at 07:37 PM

unlucky, shame about that. hope you can get emmsions sorted out, and the blance bar, does sound hard to get it right, i did not have one.

good luck


twybrow - 10/6/09 at 07:38 PM

What brake setup have you got (M/C size, brake specs etc).

Can you take your PowerCommander with you - basically, you lean it out until it works. My tester gave me a good 30mins of tinkering on his machine at my retest!

I had both of these items to sort on my car for the retest 2 weeks ago. You will get there....!

rusty nuts - 10/6/09 at 07:52 PM

Did you tell the rolling road operator that you needed to have meet specific emissions requirements as he may well have set the car up to get the maximum power

adithorp - 10/6/09 at 08:19 PM

Rolling road set up won't get emmisions right for the test. It needs setting specifically to the teat requirements.

"...both CO and hydrocarbons both being over 4 " is a bit vague. HC of 4ppm would be low/pass. CO of 4% high. We need more detail to be able to advise really.


markyb - 10/6/09 at 08:22 PM

I should have added a few deatails about my spec

brakes - wilwood powerlites at the front with sierra calipers at the rear. The M/Cs are a .625 front and .750 rear

emissions - the RR operator knew it was for SVA. I am a complete numpty when it comes to powercommander so would not know where to start to tweak things. Also the SVA regs seem very strict in Northern Ireland so dont know whether they would let me connect the laptop to the car during the test. The tester did try his best to help me by using different machines but things were that bad my car broke both machines !!!

mad4x4 - 11/6/09 at 06:27 AM

Go back to the Rolling road and Kick up a stink, If they were ment to set the car for SVA they failed , You have the proof.....

PaulYDP - 11/6/09 at 09:23 PM

Marky, was it Jack F that set the car up for you? I got my car setup there too for the SVA, all be it I have carbs so it was a dynojet but I passed emissions on my first test!

As for the brake bias I have my balance bar set slightly to the front and I just about passed! I would set it in the middle I reckon.

I have my retest down there on Monday, failed the first test on harness heights, the engine venting to air, the radius of 2 exhaust brackets, an edge under the dash, and the radius of the bottom of the dash. Wasn't too bad thankfully and fingers crossed I'll pass the retest!

All the best getting sorted.

[Edited on 15/6/09 by PaulYDP]

markyb - 11/6/09 at 10:42 PM

Hi Paul - yeah it was jack that done the map - since then I have discovered that one of my TB sliders is sticking (see other thread on here) and this may have affected the emissions test

There is a local garage with a brake testing machine so was planning on going there once I have a new bias bar in place - will try a middle placement to see how it goes

sounds like you had a decent fail - good luck with the retest

stevegough - 12/6/09 at 07:41 AM

You are voicing my fears ref the brake bias bar set up. You are doing the SVA - the requirement for locking the bias bar has changed with the introduction of the IVA (as I'm sure you are aware) in that the bar has to be locknutted, the nut welded on, and the rest of the thread filled with welding 'so as to make further adjustment impossible'. All very well, but what if I set my bias incorrectly - as you seem to have done? - Failed test - then what - replace the pedal bush + bias bar etc after cutting the old one out - resetting it with new parts - then IVA retest (@ £90 a throw!!!:mad.

Sorry, but I am very worried about this and my test is months and months away!

Oh, and good luck with your retest!

[Edited on 12/6/09 by stevegough]