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SVA suspended due to fuel leak
MK7 - 4/6/04 at 09:29 AM

Not as bad as it seems...

The good news is that cos the test was suspended I don't have to pay for a retest

I got through about 85% of the test before it was stopped so I've got a short list of half a dozen fairly trivial items.

All that's left to test is braking, headlight alignment and exhaust noise.

One issue that I might struggle with is that the steering track rods touch the front mudguard stays on full lock on both wheels. I might have to do a bit of pipe bending and that's going to be tough

The guy at the test centre was a top bloke. He had a trainee with him so I know I got a thorough test. He noticed I didn't have any rear reflectors fitted so he gave me a pair!

He's booked me in again for June 16th, same tester so I'm delighted with that.

The bad news is that I forked out for a plastic tank from Plastic Tank Man last year and now that seems like money down the drain

Anyone else that has a plastic tank take note: when the tanks is only partly full, as was the case with mine for several months, no problem. When the tank is full the extra pressure forces quite a flow through a leaky seam at the bottom of the tank. I'm sure that the first time most people will fill their tanks is likely to be some time after booking the SVA, by then it may be too late to rectify the problem...

Mk-Ninja - 4/6/04 at 09:55 AM

Well done Russell. Not a bad list.
On the steering track rods just undo the rack boots off the casing and fit a jubilee clip at each end to limit the travel.
Youll be all legal to go down to Newark, are you going to join the convoy.


scoobyis2cool - 4/6/04 at 10:00 AM

What have you done about your tank then? Are you going to seal it up or get a new one? I've got a plastic tank but haven't filled it up yet, a bit worried now!



MK7 - 4/6/04 at 10:43 AM


I hope to be there at Newark and I'll follow your advice on restricting the travel, there's way too much lock on these Indy's.


I had to buy a new ali tank from MK: problem is that the fuel outlets are in the wrong place so I'm having to modify it. MK were great as usual and I'm sure they would have built the tank fully to my spec if I'd given them more time.

I've written to PTM and am awaiting a reply.

PAUL FISHER - 4/6/04 at 11:11 AM

I don"t wish to sound pedantic but I found the same problem with my track rods hitting the bottom of the wing stays
In my case I swaped over the N/S & O/S track rods and found this gave just enough clearance.
hope this is of some help to you russell.
good look with retest!

Hellfire - 4/6/04 at 11:56 AM


are you going to Newark??

MK7 - 4/6/04 at 12:14 PM


Thanks for the suggestion but it sounds like that would alter the steering geometry (toe). Resetting the toe then seems like it would put me back to square one???


PAUL FISHER - 4/6/04 at 02:50 PM

YES Hellfire I hope to be going on the sunday we will have to meet up on route

Hellfire - 4/6/04 at 02:58 PM

Thats another one for the convoy then! I'll ask Tony as well if I see him at MK tomorrow. Just hope the weather holds out.

MK7 - 4/6/04 at 03:13 PM

what route is the convoy planning to take?

Hellfire - 4/6/04 at 03:18 PM

I think the general idea was to meet up just t'other side of Mansfield and travel to Newark from there. Timcrasher apparently knows some good B roads on the way. Theres a few coming over from your way I believe.

Mk-Ninja - 4/6/04 at 03:55 PM

Im going to try and sort out a route for people over this end so we can meet up at mansfield, The time will depend what time people can get out of bed, j,fos & OX have got the furthest to travel so I will base it around them. Will post in Club & Events.


timcrasher - 4/6/04 at 06:10 PM

My MK plastic tank started leaking when I filled it for the first time. I was checking the adjustment for my fuel gauge.
I phoned MK, and they got it sorted in about a week. The "plastic tank man" fitted a new sump and outlet, ( where it was leaking ) and it has been fine since.
Hope you can join in the fun on the 20th. The more cars in convoy the better
There is only two real routes to Newark from Mansfield and both are A roads ! But I will investigate a possible B road diversion to add a bit of a challenge

timcrasher - 5/6/04 at 06:25 AM

Think the route from Manfield is sorted. I went " playing " with some mates last night on our bikes and found some good roads. I will try them in the MK over the weekend.
Just lets all keep praying for sunny weather

j30fos - 5/6/04 at 08:10 AM

Bad luck Mk7 but at least you now have a list to work to. Looking forward to newark. Its bloody good fun when a load of 7's get together :-)))