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MK7 - 16/6/04 at 02:44 PM

I think I'm able to claim this as a first time pass, just about

The inspection took just over 1 hour seeing as most of the inspection had been performed a couple of weeks ago before a leaky plastic petrol tank was discovered which caused the test to be suspended.

Great bloke at Manchester, I can recommend going there for anyone that has the option. Very thorough but helpful too.

Nice complement from the inspector... he said he'd tested a Robin Hood this morning and he didn't like it at all wheras the MK drove and felt great.

Back on with the registration plates (and off with the SVA Kit.

Thanks to JFos, Ox, MK Ninja and others for all the support in getting through.

James - 16/6/04 at 02:56 PM

Congratulations mate- well done!


Mk-Ninja - 16/6/04 at 03:17 PM

Well done Russell

That means no excuses for Sunday, Fully legal now.

MK7 - 16/6/04 at 03:19 PM

Just need an MOT, due in on Friday and should be no problem

Mk-Ninja - 16/6/04 at 03:21 PM

What do you need an MOT for ?

theconrodkid - 16/6/04 at 03:31 PM

mrs patel at the post office would think a mac was some sort of an unhealthy burger

MK7 - 16/6/04 at 03:32 PM

DVLA said I will need one, mind you they said I wouldn't need an SVA and they were wrong on that point...

Hellfire - 16/6/04 at 03:39 PM

Why do you need an MOT if they've issued your registration. Didn't they issue a tax disc at the same time????????

MK7 - 16/6/04 at 03:42 PM

I just called DVLA Swansea to verify this and their line is that, to be legal on the road, the car must not only be liscensed but must also have an MOT. Obviously the SVA bit is a precursor to getting the car liscenced (normally).

I'm not expecting a fail, as far as I'm concerned it's just the shelling out of a few otherwise useful beer tokens.

I like to keep my nose clean...

[Edited on 16/6/04 by MK7]

Hellfire - 16/6/04 at 03:53 PM

Did you tell them your vehicle was manufactured in June 2004? This is what your V5 will state when its posted to you. This means you won't need an MOT for 3 years, just like production cars.

If you're still uncertain, ring your LOCAL VRO/DVLA and save your beer tokens.

[Edited on 16-6-04 by Hellfire]

MK7 - 16/6/04 at 04:14 PM

I've already got the car registered due to a slip up by the local DVLA. They also said I need an MOT certificate, indeed they said they shouldn't have registered the car without one.

Having said that, the date of first registration on the V5 (or whatever it's called) does show as May 2004 so I suppose....

MK7 - 16/6/04 at 04:25 PM

Say no more...

JoelP - 16/6/04 at 05:48 PM

if you get caught driving without a mot, all you get is a polite letter asking you to comply with the law. Unless the car is dangerous obviously. I once got a producer in a car i was test driving, and by the time i produced, the trader had sold the car and had no Mot to show. They werent overly bothered.

plus as said, not needed anyway.

CairB - 16/6/04 at 08:08 PM

Well done Russell,

I'm jealous...mines off the road at the moment due to an engine transplant.

Don't sell it - enjoy it.



PAUL FISHER - 16/6/04 at 08:50 PM

well done MK7, Its a great feeling isn't it.
hope to see it at newark on sunday.

MK7 - 16/6/04 at 08:54 PM

I'll be there, weather permitting

and yes, it's a brilliant feeling.

Time now to start un-SVAing it...

macspeedy - 16/6/04 at 09:22 PM

well done

Chris Leonard - 23/6/04 at 03:34 PM

On the MOT issue

I got a letter back from the local DVLA in Chelmsford confiming I will get a W plate and asking me to send off the SVA cert and a list of other things, Insurance cert, ID, V55/5 etc and a cheque for the road tax. they have crossed out the MOT cert bit so obviously I dont need an MOT.

SVA booked for 2nd July - fingers crossed

MK7 - 23/6/04 at 04:15 PM

Nice one...

It's always nice to have someone whose talking from a position of experience rather than one of pure optimism

j30fos - 24/6/04 at 11:04 AM

Well done Russel, as you know I got mine regiistered at DVLA Manchester and I didn't need an MOT. I spoke to Gene Beaver she was great and sorted the reg out over the counter in about 1 hour :-))) Just in time to enjoy the sodin rain :-( will get better though