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Vin No for mk indy
7nut - 23/5/05 at 08:47 PM

any one know if it is ok to make a vin no up as mk suggest or do i have to contact my local dvla office for one to be issued

Hellfire - 23/5/05 at 08:53 PM

Make your own we did!

Seriously though, you'd be best contacting your local DVLA just to check. Or better still, TELL them what your chassis number is and that you've stamped it onto the chassis (even though you haven't)

[Edited on 23-5-05 by Hellfire]

Andy W - 23/5/05 at 09:31 PM

I think it depends on your local office. Some will let you make your own up, others want to issue with one. I had sva at Beverly last year, made my own number up with no problems.

shortie - 23/5/05 at 09:40 PM

I've written telling them what the number is and just waiting for them to reply.


greggors84 - 23/5/05 at 09:51 PM

Ive just done this, first of all they told me i needed to have a chassis inspection and after that they would give me my chassis number. unfourtunately no one wanted to insure me with out a chassis number and it would have been a big pain to get the car trailered to the place as they only did it during working hours and it was about 25 miles from my house. luckily it is only 5 miles from where i work though.
I phoned MK and he said make your own up, so i phoned the DVLA and said i had my own chassis number and they said fine you will just need an inspection to go throught the reciepts and build up report. This can be done after SVA and also as i now have a chassis number i can get insured. Which is very handy as i will just take the car to work and pop out for 30 mins to go to millbrook and have the 10 min inspection. Whereas it would have taken up half a day getting the car trailored the 50 mile round trip.