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VIN Plates
BMF - 27/5/05 at 12:57 PM

Any one know where I can get a VIN plate done?

One guy on the web wants £50 bloody quid!!!!!!

ned - 27/5/05 at 01:00 PM

you can buy the stamp sets from screwfix or any good tool shop, they're not expensive, then just use an offcut of steel or ally.

someone may well have the stamps they can lend you..


BMF - 27/5/05 at 01:14 PM

I suppose that would be ok, anyone? Someone with the stamps could start a sideline!!!!

ned - 27/5/05 at 01:19 PM

i am sure someone locally has a set, can't remember who! will ask at monday's meet, unless you're thinking of coming along and you can ask yourself

see thread 30/5 under clubs & events.


BMF - 27/5/05 at 01:24 PM


You know what I may just come to this one!!!!!!

Will have a look at the events bit.

Marcus - 28/5/05 at 12:12 PM

I got mine made up at a trophy engravers, cost me £20 for 2, black on brass, lacquered, looks good.


westdown - 1/6/05 at 07:16 AM


I have a full set of stamps you are more than welcome to come borrow. Im off on hols on Fri 3rd for two weeks.
