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'T' shirts....
Dave Bailey - 27/11/13 at 09:05 PM

Have I missed something... What happened to the 'T' shirt thread....

samjc - 27/11/13 at 09:07 PM

Threads been deleted, long storey but some copy write/ profit issue so cant use locost web logo.

Dave Bailey - 27/11/13 at 09:11 PM

What is this world coming to..... :-(

snakebelly - 27/11/13 at 09:20 PM

that would be fine if they were actually available here on the site!

Dave Bailey - 27/11/13 at 09:27 PM

Ok so can they be?

snakebelly - 27/11/13 at 09:34 PM

Don't think the site owner has the time or the inclination to sort it TBH, there's been a long running thread, minimum order qty etc etc etc etc

Dave Bailey - 27/11/13 at 09:52 PM

Hmmmmm :-(

snakebelly - 27/11/13 at 10:19 PM

If your really bored read here:

ChrisW - 27/11/13 at 10:24 PM

The person offering said t-shirts for sale recently had done so without requesting permission to use the logo, something I take very seriously.

You are all aware of my 'don't profit out of something I give away free' ethos (why I insist regular traders pay a contribution whereas private one-off sales are free), and the same applies to profiting using my name.

I have spent 10 years building the reputation of this site and, like any brand, desire to keep control over quality of any item offered for sale bearing the name. Not saying that said shirts were of poor quality - they might have been excellent for all I know - but with my name plastered over them I need to have a grasp over what was being offered, what price, what level of service, etc.

Said person made no approach, and as such was asked to desist from selling items with the LB logo on them. His thread was quarantined (moved to an area of the site only Fozzie and I can see).

Instead of accepting my request, said person then posted a new thread saying, essentially, that he could do what he wanted and that if I tried to stop him he would just advertise them elsewhere. In other words 'up yours'. At this point I, quite rightly, told him exactly what he could do with his t-shirts.

I was open, and am still open, to a genuine approach from a merchandise manufacturer to produce an LB shirt, polo, or anything in fact but any deal would need to be approved in advance not just tried to be snuck in thinking nobody was watching.

yellowcab - 27/11/13 at 10:28 PM

Chris you have me all wrong.

As I have tried to explain, including giving you my telephone number so I could chat it through with you (to which you ignored)

Nothing was done underhand, if it had, I wouldn't have posted it on the forum surely? I would have sold them on one of the LCB Facebook pages?

If I didn't want you to see the shirts for sale, I would never have posted on your forum, c'mon, surely you see that?

Dave Bailey - 27/11/13 at 10:35 PM

I get politics all day at work! Don't do it at home!... I find everyone on here great... Shame no 'T' Shirts! to advertise this great forum!

Lucky we're not in Asia.... They even copy a car!

I'll have to wear my Luego shirt when I want to look a sad old git!

Dave B

ChrisW - 27/11/13 at 10:37 PM

That's not what you did.

You gave me your number at 10pm. Ten minutes later, having not heard from me, you posted your 'F** you, I'm doing it anyway, you can't stop me' post.

How exactly did you expect me to react to this?

I notice you have failed to mention this second post of yours to any of the people you have been bad-mouthing me too. Yes, some of them reported straight back to me.

(I still have a copy, but I'm not going to embarrass you by quoting it)


yellowcab - 27/11/13 at 10:44 PM

Worse things happening in the world rather than bickering about some shirts. Can't be bothered a public slagging match.

u2u'd you Chris

[Edited on 27/11/13 by yellowcab]

Duncan36 - 27/11/13 at 10:52 PM

Chris I offered to do exactly what you mention in your first post, but after a couple of replies from yourself I got no more response. The offer is still there

slingshot2000 - 27/11/13 at 10:57 PM

Originally posted by ChrisW
The person offering said t-shirts for sale recently had done so without requesting permission to use the logo, something I take very seriously.

You are all aware of my 'don't profit out of something I give away free' ethos (why I insist regular traders pay a contribution whereas private one-off sales are free), and the same applies to profiting using my name.

I have spent 10 years building the reputation of this site and, like any brand, desire to keep control over quality of any item offered for sale bearing the name. Not saying that said shirts were of poor quality - they might have been excellent for all I know - but with my name plastered over them I need to have a grasp over what was being offered, what price, what level of service, etc.

Said person made no approach, and as such was asked to desist from selling items with the LB logo on them. His thread was quarantined (moved to an area of the site only Fozzie and I can see).

Instead of accepting my request, said person then posted a new thread saying, essentially, that he could do what he wanted and that if I tried to stop him he would just advertise them elsewhere. In other words 'up yours'. At this point I, quite rightly, told him exactly what he could do with his t-shirts.

I was open, and am still open, to a genuine approach from a merchandise manufacturer to produce an LB shirt, polo, or anything in fact but any deal would need to be approved in advance not just tried to be snuck in thinking nobody was watching.

Good on yah, keep up the good Lb work !

ChrisW - 27/11/13 at 10:59 PM

Absolutely you did.... and perfect timing to post. Quote from the u2u I've just sent to yellowcab....


Had you got in contact we probably could have done a deal. My only reservation would have been that someone already approached me about this several months ago and I haven't had time to deal with it. Being the moral man that I am I would have wanted to give him first refusal.

I think that says it all.

I realise I've neglected the site a little this year and I regret that a lot. Being suddenly made redundant with no warning, having to take my ex-employer to tribunal over it, having them fold the company to avoid paying me, having them steal all my servers and equipment and lie to the Police so I couldn't get them back, having to start up again from scratch... these things have kind of taken priority in the last 12 months! Luckily I'm out the other side of it now but it's been a tough year mentally and emotionally.


Dave Bailey - 27/11/13 at 11:01 PM

I agree great site and people throughout....
Sorry I opened this thread up...

Dave B

yellowcab - 27/11/13 at 11:02 PM

To quote my u2u from me to you:

"I hope some good comes of our clash (for want of a better word) and we get some shirts, there are so many people out there gagging for them it's untrue.

My experience has always been 'take the bull by the horns' and all that, maybe I shouldn't have done, if it felt like I was treading on toes, then I apologise."

Duncan36 - 27/11/13 at 11:05 PM

No worries. When you get time we can have a proper chat about it

[Edited on 27/11/13 by Duncan36]

stevio73 - 28/11/13 at 09:19 AM

Hmmm...... I'm all for the "Walk a mile in their shoes before criticism" thing, yet I cannot help but wonder whether with so much going on, a deputy overseer would have been a consideration.?
The site is too much of a valuable source of information and trade to allow to stagnate. Simply stating no time and various excuses, valid as they might be, is not particularly helpful. I cannot help but feel that 'shirtgate' has not helped build reputation, it has merely detracted from it.
I'm not here to leed a revolution, I certainly don't want or need trouble. I am saying that in the whole nature of forums, helping, advising, suggesting, there are other people out there who can assist. Delegation is the key to any successful command. The only thing you would really have to think long and hard about is that with products a 'not for profit' ideology is very difficult to maintain. With quantity comes discount, therefore a margin. Perhaps it would be better to make things 'subscription based' then whatever margin made could then be distributed among the masses? Again just suggesting.

Please don't take this as a personal attack or any sort of insult. I just wanted a t-shirt, mug, key ring, hat, bulb kit, combo spanner set, etc.