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liftarn - 22/7/02 at 04:03 PM

One part that the book never mentions is how to construct the boot (trunk). Any ideas on how to make a boot and lockable lid?

Jon Ison - 22/7/02 at 04:50 PM

enter PTM............ ?

locodude - 22/7/02 at 05:27 PM

Busy enough at moment thanks!
Chris PTM

Jon Ison - 22/7/02 at 05:32 PM

K.... i won't nag you about n air box, got a contractor in at work at mo who is ace alloy/fabricator/tig welder, making me a F3 style box with cone filter out in cool air, oh, and a 1/8th BSP hole for laughfin gass.......

jmbillings - 11/8/02 at 05:17 PM

Made an aluminium "tray" that fitted in the back nice and snug, and this was bolted in place.
Then used some of Chris PTM style plastic that Steve found lying around where he works *cough* and made the top out of 4 panels- 2 each side of the rollbar stays, and one across the front-middle, and this attached to the back-middle piece which is hinged. Simple keylock to keep it shut.

chrisg - 11/8/02 at 07:14 PM

You can see how I did it at:-

on build tips>trim

