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"Lift the dot" fasteners?
adithorp - 24/1/09 at 08:46 AM

I'm trying to fit a second hand hood to my Fury and I need some "lift the dot" studs to go on the bodywork. I assume I need either the threaded type or double screw base type and not the wood screw ones.

So that I know if it'd be long enough to go through my body work, does anybody know how long the thread on the threaded mounting is?

Would I be better off with the double screw base type instead?


clairetoo - 24/1/09 at 08:53 AM

I used the single thread self tapping screw-in type - I think they are about 5mm long . But mine is one of the `heavy` bodies so more than thick enough..........

[Edited on 24/1/09 by clairetoo]

philw - 24/1/09 at 08:54 AM

I used the ones at the top of this page for the sides of my hood and press studs around the rear

adithorp - 24/1/09 at 09:43 AM

Originally posted by philw
I used the ones at the top of this page for the sides of my hood and press studs around the rear

Those are the ones I was thinking of but wondered if the thread was long enough and if the 4th one down might spred the load better.


Dusty - 24/1/09 at 11:25 AM

I used the fifth one down, double height all round the back and poppers along the windscreen. Attached with some pop rivets of the type that open like a four petal flower to hold in thinish fibreglass.

drhunter - 24/1/09 at 01:07 PM

Same as philw, Mine has poppers around for the screen and rear with just one lift the dot (double screw base) either side next to the door!

How has the section where the hood connects to the frame then connects to the screen been done? Mine seems very roughly finished!

adithorp - 25/1/09 at 01:22 AM

I haven't fitted the hood yet but the existing front rail (as it came) has screws with wing nuts on.

Has anybody got a measurement for the thread length?
