I estimated that my car needs 20 square metres of GRP painting, which takes account of the mimimum spray width of the gun, even on narrow pieces like
A pillars. I went to the local paint shop and he wants to sell me 2 gallons of etch (1 each of etch and solution) 2 gallons of cellulose primer, 2
gallons of cellulose paint plus 2 of anti bloom thinners, 2 gallons of upol 1 pack laquer plus thinners for washing up. Total = £447.35 including
VAT. If I want a polyester 1k colour basecoat, that in istelf is £430.33 for 10 litres. This all sounds very expensive.
Have I got my 20m2 wrong or has he got his quantities wrong? I guess by "gallon" he means a 5l tin.
I have restored a few old cars in my years and I have only used 1 litre of primer and 3 litres of top coat maximum.
my guesstimate is a 7 style body, with cycle wings including bonnet is closer to 8 m2.
I think your 20 is way out, I estimated 10 m2 for my body.
Fred W B
I've been out with my tape measure and I need 13.5 m2 of etch and primer plus 12.5 m2 of metallic colour and lacquer.
How much coverage do you get from cellulose? I thought a litre tin would cover about 10 m2.
I think if you substitute litres for gallons you will not be too far out.
I used 1l of high build etch and 0.5l thinner/accelerator, 1.5l of polyester colour coat and 2l of 2k clearcoat plus the thinners.
I know it's completely different, but at work today we worked out that 90ml of paint to cover one square meter ,the difference being it was for hardwood windows.
Personally i wouldnt bother trying to calculate the quantity you need. Give the paint factor a photo of the car and ask for "paint to spray that please".