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scuttle Design
albertz - 7/2/04 at 02:22 PM

Can anyone advise what the radius's are for the scuttle panel.

The book refers to dimensions from a plan that i cant find in the book.

What has everyone else done?

Mark Allanson - 7/2/04 at 07:23 PM

Increase the radius of your nose cone proportionally to maintain the lines.

chrisg - 7/2/04 at 08:10 PM

The book suggests a three inch radius at either end, but as Mark says it's better to match it to the nose if you've got it.



Jon Ison - 7/2/04 at 08:14 PM

stuttering chris ???

Metal Hippy - 8/2/04 at 12:47 AM

He does that at the Yorks meets...

You get an onrunning 'theme' joke all evening...

Like somoebody apparently having a crash in their Locost. He refused to tell us all about it though, so I don't reckon he did....

chrisg - 8/2/04 at 12:18 PM

It's this website, someone should have a word with Chris

Having said that I've done a delete to make you look foolish.



[Edited on 8/2/04 by chrisg]