Thought I would post a pict of my car as I am just about ready for SVA. Front wing trim not fitted in this one and I hope the screen isnt too high.
Any comments?
Looks tidy!!!
Does the top of that screen have the correct radius though!!! Looks a bit sharp...
And does that carb/air filter meet the rad requirements as well?
Oooh that looks nice
Would be a bit worried about the air filter though.
The screen is made of 5mm acrylic and is fully rounded and polished. What could I do to the filter to make it OK?
i think everything i was gonna say has already been said
love the exhaust cover thingy. if the no exposed exhaust rule comes in, then they're a good plan
as for the filter, the only mod i can think of involves drilling hole in the bonnet to rivet on a bulge, which will mysteriously fall off/be stolen
after SVA, but would leave holes in your bonnet...
does your front suspension need more covering?
[Edited on 14/2/09 by blakep82]
What could I do to the filter to make it OK?
At what height does an aeroscreen become a screen ?
Re: screen height. Its all to do with the height of the seat and the angle of the back of the seat. I made up a dummy of the SVA testing gismo so hope I got it right. If not I can cut and re-radius the top edge of the screen but I hope I dont have to!!!
Originally posted by fesycresy
At what height does an aeroscreen become a screen ?
Is your front indicators far enough out ?
Think its 400mm from the out side of the car not the front wheels/ mudguards
That's a really nice 'classic' looking car!
I suggest that you do what the tester did on my SVA - he walked around with his hand on every suspect edge he could find. Anything that felt a bit
sharp to his hand he checked.
People have already mentioned the air filter. I would also recommend a good look at the front suspension, especially the top suspension bracket -
could the tester's gauge reach those sharp angles?
As for the screen - the SVA manual gives all sorts of measurement details, but if you're easily looking over the top when sitting in the car then
it's not a windscreen. If it's a bit marginal - consider taking it off.
It's all common sense - and you've already done the number one thing - make it look as though you've really tried hard when you go for
the SVA.
Well done!
P.S. Ditto on the front indicators - remember that the widest part of the car is often the rear wings, so it's a max of 400mm in from the edge of
those to the edge of the 'active' part of the indicators (the bit of the lens where the light comes out).
[Edited on 14/2/09 by David Jenkins]