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SVA comments required
myke pocock - 14/2/09 at 04:53 PM

Thanks for the comments on my first picture posted today so here is another. The edge of the exhaust exit hole and air filter hole in the bonnet are now protected. The alloy plates on the dash top are to cover the demist slots when I fit a full screen and are radiused to over 2.5mm . Anything else look likely to cause a problem?

Dangle_kt - 14/2/09 at 05:01 PM

picture doesnt work mate

myke pocock - 14/2/09 at 05:05 PM

Posted it exactly as I did earlier in the day and it opens up for me OK. So????? dont know what the prob is.

pewe - 14/2/09 at 05:11 PM

To save any confusion over the aero-screen why don't you just remove it for SVA and then replace it afterwards? Worked for me.
Cheers, Pewe

myke pocock - 14/2/09 at 05:16 PM

Problem is, without the screen the uprights are quite flexible. Wouldnt that cause an issue with the tester?

blakep82 - 14/2/09 at 06:04 PM

remover the uprights

blakep82 - 14/2/09 at 06:11 PM

theres only the 1 picture of the car (*the original one you poster earlier today) on your photobucket account it seems?

myke pocock - 14/2/09 at 06:11 PM

Cant, mirrors fitted to them.

myke pocock - 14/2/09 at 06:21 PM

Hope this works!!!

bigpig - 14/2/09 at 07:13 PM

Looks nice.
Possibly the air filter needs a second glance over and maybe edgining on the tunnel side pannels.

I love what you have done with the lights and switches on the tunnel. Never even thought of doing it that way, looks really good.

David Jenkins - 14/2/09 at 07:45 PM

Just remember - the worst that can happen is that you end up with a list of things to fix from the SVA. It's obvious that you've made a very good effort, so the tester will be reasonable with you.

I think that there are dodgy areas that may need fixing - but you're not far away.

chrisg - 14/2/09 at 07:55 PM

I think you might have a problem with the air filter radius, it doesn't look to have a big enough radius on the top edge.



Schrodinger - 16/2/09 at 11:36 AM

Could also need a bit of edging around the exhaust through the side of the car.