Got the top bits on, stanchions on, now need to know exactly what to do with the bottom bit. The metal is trimmed. There is a rubber piece. What is
done with this?
The scuttle is flat on the top, and the metal is rounded, like most scuttles. I am open to ideas!
Thank you again. I also thought about just buying another one that's already made, but I know that somehow wouldn't fit either.
The "T" rubber piece goes in the bottom of the lower rail.
How much difference between the scuttle and the screen is there?
Yes, the bottom of the windscreen is channelled to take a "T" shaped bit of rubber. The rubber fills and gaps between the screen and the scuttle....
OK thanks!
Not enough of a gap so that the rubber won't fill it up. Does it get trimmed? There seems like an awful lot of it there. Does it bend forward or
backwards? Sorry for the silly questions, I have nothing to compare it to.
It bends forward. Covers a multitude of sins....
mercy buccups!!!
video skype me and I can help you out live online
send me some pictures and we will sort these issues you are having quickly.
The making/assembly of the screen is a painful process if you have not done it before.