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Attaching Rear Wings
Dave Bailey - 5/3/09 at 07:04 PM

Anyone used rivnuts to hold the rear wings on? This will mean fitting rivnuts into fireglass which I am not sure will work. I suppose I could use ally sheet either side.

Any experiences shared would be greatly received....

Dave B

omega0684 - 5/3/09 at 07:06 PM

i just used 4 m6 bolts equally spaced around the arch, mine haven't fallen off yet

PAUL FISHER - 5/3/09 at 07:20 PM

I used Pop rivets and large repair washers,on both my Indys.

Steve Hignett - 5/3/09 at 07:35 PM

Hellfire - 5/3/09 at 08:12 PM

We managed to measure out and pick up the chassis rails and inserted rivnuts into those so we could bolt the rear wings on.


catman - 5/3/09 at 08:31 PM

what about using nylon m6 nuts and bolts, they are great if you use your car for sprinting or racing, if you clip somthing the nylon bolts snap and the rest of the bodywork wont be damaged.


lsdweb - 5/3/09 at 09:06 PM

As catman says

Use plastic bolts - far easier to fix when you do touch something!

twybrow - 5/3/09 at 11:48 PM

I've rivnutted mine on. I drilled nice tight holes, and applied a good dollop of PU. They seem pretty well fixed - and I only have 5 bolts around the circumference.

RK - 6/3/09 at 12:40 AM

I tried rivnuts, but not supported by those little plates Steve used. Didn't work, they just pulled right out. So I used small bolts and only rivnutted into the chassis. My arches are very heavy and needed a lot of bolts to seat properly.

Schrodinger - 6/3/09 at 12:24 PM

For fixing to fibreglass I used cavity anchors which come with a machine screw.