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Rear Panel
chris.chatland - 16/2/04 at 04:17 PM

Has enybody got the dimentions for the rear panel for the original chassis (MK) or template!!

Need the sizes to buy sheets.

Needed ASAP

Anybody bought cheap Ali sheet or knows a stockist in Liecestershire.

Jon Ison - 16/2/04 at 06:05 PM

make a template out of old wallpaper or summat...........??

David Jenkins - 16/2/04 at 09:10 PM

It's a very wasteful shape when you try to cut it out of a whole sheet - you get left will all sorts of odd bits.

I did the same as Jon - sheet of cardboard cut to shape, complete with fold-over bits. This is an 'entertaining' task, best tackled with a spare pair of hands - or around 20 spring clamps, which is what I did...

Lay this on the sheet and try to make best use of the metal.

Good luck!


[Edited on 16/2/04 by David Jenkins]