hello just wondering if there is a name for the angled roll bar most commonly seen on the dax's, and whether they will fit onto a RH, indy or gts? thanks
Hi there,
Yes they can be fitted to an Indy as Donut has done, have a look at his site and it shows it.
I just asked MK for a Dax style roll bar and they seemed to know what I wanted...
cheers, was it any dearer by any chance?
Nah, same cost. I got it as part of the kit I ordered. You could argue it uses less metal than the basic bar they normally provide.....
Ask for a selfish roll bar.
Driver: if we roll over this bar stops my head getting smashed in.
Passenger: Gulp!!
tr - is that the 'considerate' roll bar then only looks like it's going to protect the passenger... lol
Yeah, but I'm a bit of a short arse so I could probably get away with being considerate...