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Boot closer and locks
joemotion - 1/6/09 at 08:29 PM

Right whilst waiting to get registered i thought i would sort the boot lid out! At the moment it looks like this however its been ripped when it fell off.

Ive been thinking about putting that stick on carbon fibre effect vinyl on as a replacement - anybody had any experience with this??

Also does anybody know where to get any of the twist lock screw things that are holding it on or similar as these were lost and were on the car when i got it.

Finally can anybody recommend a lock that i can fit?



MautoK - 1/6/09 at 08:34 PM

I think CBS (nfauto) do Dzus fasteners and simple key locks .

Macbeast - 1/6/09 at 08:48 PM

As e sed ^^

Mark G - 1/6/09 at 09:03 PM

I used some fruit machine locks from ebay. Nice and easy to fit and secure for less than a tenner.
