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aero screen brows
jpindy3 - 14/6/09 at 07:02 PM

hi there,
i need to get some add ons to my aero screen as it gets a little to windy at high speed.
so i got thinking motor bike sceens will do the job.
ok right well thay cost money,il have a go at making some,a few cups of tea later,
got it i could uae a large plant pot in black of corse,so i got going at on with a hacksaw and some tin snips,spent about half an hour on it,and well its was a right bodge,it may have worked if i could copy a shape of one,
i think i should give up and go down the scrapy

nitram38 - 14/6/09 at 07:07 PM

I have a pair of bike aeroscreens that look good but are too high on the MotaLeira. They are already on a piece of aluminium sheet that you might be able to adapt.
If you want to collect them in exchange for a few beer tokens......


DRC INDY 7 - 14/6/09 at 08:36 PM

They had them on the bat mobile

Confused but excited. - 14/6/09 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by nitram38
I have a pair of bike aeroscreens that look good but are too high on the MotaLeira

What bike are they off?
I got a clear bike screen off fleabay to play with, but it is way too low, only a few inches high.

nitram38 - 14/6/09 at 08:47 PM

I think that they are suzuki bandit screens.