Hi, just got mine on the road with no screen at all, fun but a bit too much so i fancy an aeroscreen. I've been trawling through your photos and
just wanted some feedback from those that have them.
More pics would be great and the pros and cons of the screen ie should have got it in clear not black, the angle, the material its made of etc.
Thanks in advance,
Some people make their own, but there are some available to buy pre-made.
I'm building a GTS W7DE, based upon the McSorley plans, and as such had trouble finding one to fit my scuttle. In the end, I bought a pair of
Caterham original aeroscreens. I'm sure you can find pictures of them on the Caterham Sports Cars website.
Few people on here have mentioned the black double bubble aeroscreen as found on eBay, and another is MAC1 from memory?
Personally I likt the Caterham ones as they are transparent and look nice, but then again I haven't got my car on the road yet, so can't
comment on how effective they actually are.
you should really be wearing a helmet
I had a Mac1 screen - can't really say it made much difference, but I'm reasonably tall.
yep they are pretty windy! but its not like a windscreen will make it a peacefull place to have a conversation, aero screens are cool but as above you should get a helmet (or two, with a intercom - not much on the bay) as even bits of gravel will hurt at 70, and worse you will end up with a questionable hair style!
ok i have a windscreen and i've had a aero screen, i keep the windscreen on just so that i can enjoy driving the car with out a helmet, but you get alot of noise still..
I had an aeroscreen like the ones on ebay. Its better than no screen but still windy as hell over 40mph.
Just put a windscreen on it as i hated wearing a helmet everywhere. A screen and sidescreens are lovely. I can do 100 with comfort now.
I have a carbon mods one on mine....I love it.......
I actually find it more comfortable than the normal screen....
I have a pair of those Brooklands screens - vintage style...
They do shift the flies upwards - I only get a few on my helmet visor, but the top of my roll bar gets plastered with them!
However - I am about to fit a full windscreen, as I'm getting bored with having to wear a helmet.
We fitted a MAC#1 aeroscreen which we cut down for visibility purposes. Works ok upto about 60mph but not much use afterwards. With hindsight, a
Caterham style aeroscreen may have been better......
i got an KitCarbon one in Carbon Kevlar and it is wicked. Love the look of it but driving without a screen is awesome. REally would recomend one, i
have kept my screen as a just in case option though.
here is a little pic showing mine with the aero from lyyden hill.
PS, it will be up for sale shortly, i am goin pure carbon one instead to match trhe rest of my carbon
[Edited on 1/10/09 by goaty]
Anyone got any good info on a DIY aero-type screen. I want to fit one to my +442 but not sure which is the best way to go?
Goaty, like the screen. Looks almost golden in colour. Did you get it from the Greek chap on Ebay?
See you have front mudflaps. What did you use?
I think im going to have a go at making one from tinted perspex off of ebay like a caterham one. Wish me luck
Yeah its an Echinda one, really is lovely, just i am now having him make a pure carbon one to match everything else, this one will be up for sale
And the mud flaps are made from halfrauds 'rally style' flaps you trim to suit.