if i'm going to spary a particular colour, which must be sprayed onto white to get the correct finish...
the manufacturer says spray onto a brilliant white ground coat.
does this mean primer? or do i just use the normal white top coat stuff i already got, and spray onto that?
its only for my axle, so not needing a perfect finish, but its going luminous orange and i don't want the effect ruined
also, just decided on a 2nd question. suppose i wanted to fade from purple to luminous orange on a part, how would i make sure the orange stays
luminous, as it wouldn't work well sprayed onto purple.
or do i spray orange first, then purple over the top?
Not sure about your second Q but i would say primer on the first.
ah, yeah, meant to say, its already got grey zinc primer, and some rattle can orange, which didn't come up well, and is now all chipped, so metal is already primed, but is ground coat a different name for primer, or just a generic name for whatever is used to get the right colour to spray onto?
With regards to the second Q, I would think that if you do the flourescent orange first, then you can gradually fade the purple from solid to a
dusting as you go toward the orange part. I would think that you would only need to spray the orange for a matter of inches over where the purple will
be to save a bit on paint.
Someone with more experience will probably be along in a while.
Originally posted by Daddylonglegs
With regards to the second Q, I would think that if you do the flourescent orange first, then you can gradually fade the purple from solid to a dusting as you go toward the orange part. I would think that you would only need to spray the orange for a matter of inches over where the purple will be to save a bit on paint.
Someone with more experience will probably be along in a while.
im intrigued as to the colours of your finished truck blake!
What will the whole truck be painted in?
Originally posted by Miks15
im intrigued as to the colours of your finished truck blake!![]()
What will the whole truck be painted in?
well, axle, gearbox etc will be fluorecent orange, like this
chassis will go cadburys purple, with about the first 2 ft or so orange and fading.
bodywork may well got the same, but not 100% sure yet. might just leave it plain white with a purple rear spoiler
that spoiler only had one bad coat on it, so thats why its still so light sort of lilac
[Edited on 27/11/09 by blakep82]
i think faded orange to purple on the body would look good!!
Nice truck!
to answer all Q's here, ground coat & primer are basically different names for the same thing, but in this instance you could use paint or
primer. Orange tends to be very see thro' hence the requirement to have a "consistant" colour underneath it - for instance if you
sprayed it over white with a chip in which was black it would take about 230,156,013.5 (roughly) coats of orange such that you didn't see the
black chip this would be both costly & very heavy! So, either paint or prime the axle white, but make absolutely sure you have complete coverage
& no marks etc in it b4 painting the orange.
As regards the fade out, paint the orange a bit further than you need to, then once fully cured, mask the centre section so you get no overspray from
the purple, the tape something like muslin polishing cloth or something similar with holes in over the next sections gradually reducing the amount it
covers so you'll get a gradual controlled fade, then just paint the purple, turning the gun away from the target as you approachb the masked area
so you're never putting a lot of paint over that area. Finally, once cured remove masking & for better durability whip a coat of lacquer over
the whole lot, that way it can be cleaned without bits of crap,polish, rag etc getting caught by possible rough areas of overspray.
There you go - simple!
Now that sir, is an informed reply!
God bless the forum
Originally posted by russbost
to answer all Q's here, ground coat & primer are basically different names for the same thing, but in this instance you could use paint or primer. Orange tends to be very see thro' hence the requirement to have a "consistant" colour underneath it - for instance if you sprayed it over white with a chip in which was black it would take about 230,156,013.5 (roughly) coats of orange such that you didn't see the black chip this would be both costly & very heavy!So, either paint or prime the axle white, but make absolutely sure you have complete coverage & no marks etc in it b4 painting the orange.
As regards the fade out, paint the orange a bit further than you need to, then once fully cured, mask the centre section so you get no overspray from the purple, the tape something like muslin polishing cloth or something similar with holes in over the next sections gradually reducing the amount it covers so you'll get a gradual controlled fade, then just paint the purple, turning the gun away from the target as you approachb the masked area so you're never putting a lot of paint over that area. Finally, once cured remove masking & for better durability whip a coat of lacquer over the whole lot, that way it can be cleaned without bits of crap,polish, rag etc getting caught by possible rough areas of overspray.
There you go - simple!![]()