Does anybody have any idea what the resin is thats used as the base coat in the
carbon mods skinning kit
And can anybody reccomend a supplier please (one that also sells epoxy resin for the top coat would be helpful) been looking on ebay as carbon mods
are a bit expensive for a larger quantity. Whats the differences with
these 3 resins from one seller on ebay? thanks
Best bet is to shoot them all an email. Hopefully you'll get the manufacturer names and then you can look up the data sheets.
What do you need it for?
Tooling resin is generally for re-inforcment, similar to when you make a mold, as it's very strong it's what you use in the gel coat as the first coat when making a mold. Marine speaks it for itself really, for boats, epoxy is general use. Doesn't really matter what the 2 parts are for the rest. Epoxy is the most widely used, just make sure you get clear for carbon so it can be polished up afterwards.
its just for overcoating a grp part ive made. Its purely cosmetic. On the carbon mods kit, they use a black coat first, then lay the cloth on, then wet out with clear resin top coat. Do you reckon its just black gelcoat so the colour of the component doesnt show though? Can gelcoat be used as a glue? Thanks
Heres a vid for anyone else thats interested link
quite wastefull with the mat isnt it!!
Looks good but time consuming.
Hi Andrew,
We should actually be competative on price with the other suppliers but remember that not all resins are born equal; we went through a lot of
different resins whilst trying to get the skinning kit right. Some are clearer than others, some have better thermal dimensional stability, some are
more thicksotropic etc. In the end, we had it formulated for us by Alchemie, they're a fantastic company and they can make us resins that are
perfect for any job. We buy large amounts and decant it down to do the kits. Even still, our margins arn't big.
We've also got volume pricing on the resin, basecoat and fabrics which tighten the prices up even more if you're after volume quantities.
I'm glad you liked the vid and the work we put into it!
Ye the vids are great, i like the tip with the hairdryer for popping the bubbles.